I decided to write both of the final chapters of my Mark of the Incubus novella before posting them to Literotica.com in January. Someone complained that I sometimes wait so long between chapters but that's because I don't know what to write next until inspiration strikes. So instead of making people wait between chapters I'm just going to write 12 then 13 then post both. But here's a teaser of Chapter 12.
Chapter 12
Agnes had frightful dreams. She was being chased through the maze of her soul by some terrible beast. Her heart pounded, her lungs were on fire, her muscles cried out for relief, her skin glistening in a cold sweat.
Agnes turned a corner and saw a door with a silver serpent curled in the center. She heard the beast crying out to her. Without a second thought Agnes sprinted towards the door. The silver serpent hissed then coiled but she didn’t care if she was bitten. She wanted to escape that nameless monster that chased her.
The door opened for Agnes and just as she saw the terrible shadow of the monster she shut it quickly. She was in a room of inky blackness. Cold and silent. Agnes covered her mouth to silence her loud panting. She held her breath as she listened to the outside over the rapid beating of her heart.
She didn’t hear the beast. She didn’t hear anything. Agnes uncovered her mouth allowing herself to catch her breath. But the minute her lungs began to relax with regular intake of oxygen she heard hissing. Was the floor moving?
Torch lights sparked to life to reveal that Agnes had stumbled her way into a snake pit. Hundreds of black snakes slithered on the floor through small snake holes in the walls. Agnes cried out inching along the wall until her wrists were caught, her body strapped to the wall by black tendrils that came to life from cold hard stone. Her legs spread apart, her ankles bound by the same black tendrils.
A coil wrapped itself around Agnes’s neck to hold her head in place but she could still breathe. Then she saw a shadowy figure rise up from the writhing floor. The shadow demon with snake eyes from when Agnes had first summoned the Incubus.
“You…,” Agnes breathed.
The demon didn’t have a mouth that she could see but Agnes could feel his smile. While he frightened her Agnes found herself getting excited. The demon materialized in front of her. It’s non-mouth hovering inches over hers. Agnes could feel the demon’s hot breath on her sweat coated skin giving her shivers.
The demon growled in pleasure as he descended. He was going to devour her alive… Agnes felt a hot kiss on her thigh. Her pussy quivered feeling a bit damp. She felt a serpentine tongue on her wet slit causing her to tremble with a shuddering sigh. Then sharp teeth on her inner thigh. The pain mingled with pleasure only made her spill out a groan…
That bite became more intense bringing Agnes back to the surface from the deep sea of dreams. She felt a mouth on her sodding pussy and a familiar tongue dive between her folds, exploring her dirty nethers with accuracy.
She felt a body next to her but it wasn’t the one between her legs. Agnes opened her eyes to see the ceiling of her living room. The white fan spinning slowly above her. The mystery tongue flicked her awakened clit. Agnes bit her lip to suppress a yelp of pleasure.
Nolan was beside her, the sun gleaming on his finely toned muscles. His sleeping face one of peace and contentment. Agnes touched his lips, heat creeping into her cheeks with the memory of where those fine lips had been. But those were not the lips eating her out right now.
A hand crawled up from beneath the red plaid throw blanket. Hot white fingers gripped Agnes’s throat. She gasped for air but the hand only tightened. Her nerve endings were still electric with delight at the mystery tongue’s strokes while the world blurred. Agnes could feel her body approach heaven in more ways than one…
Finally the hand released as a burst of heat spread through her limbs. Agnes gasped allowing the summer morning air to fill her air deprived lungs. She heard a sickening chuckle that made her turn red with rage as well as almost suffocation.
“Does that jerk any memories?” James’s head popped into view, his whiskey brown eyes intoxicated by the thrill of violence and sex.
“God damn it, James,” Agnes hissed.
“Damned yes,” James smirked as he licked her navel then bit her stomach, his dark stubbled rough against her soft skin giving her tingles. Agnes checked over to Nolan to see if this would wake him.
“I think you fucked him into a coma,” James shrugged but Agnes could hear the dryness in his tone. Jealousy gleamed in his eyes.
“Stop it!” Agnes scrambled out of the make shift bed on the living room floor. She was naked, placing her hand on her hips glaring at the incubus with burning indigo eyes.
“Since when are you so modest?” James frowned as he lay on his side revealing his Greek God muscle, firm and taut with want. Agnes could see the bulge of his erection under the throw blanket.
“I’m not modest I just have a sense of decency,” Agnes sputtered. Hot liquid dripped down her thigh to her chagrin. She was trying to be serious but her body was trembling with desire. “I’m not fucking you with Nolan in the same bed.”
“Technically this isn’t a bed," James corrected as he played with a frayed end of the plaid blanket.
Nolan stirred again. Agnes motioned towards the upstairs. James sighed but materialized at the top step. Agnes quickly but quietly rushed up the steps fearing every creak was a loud bang that could wake Nolan.
Agnes brushed past James who followed her into the hall way with a cross and family photos of some crappy family vacation to New Orleans and baby photos of Louis, Agnes and Charlie.
“What is your problem?” Agnes rounded on James. She tried to keep her eyes on his face and not the stiff erection he was sporting that could impale her in a minute.
“My problem?” James’s stare burned into Agnes’s face. “You’re the one being shifty.”
“You’re pretending to be something you are not,” James fired. “You’re pretending to be this helpless innocent lost lamb for this Deputy Do-Good. I’m all for sexual role-play but you’re starting to believe your own lies.”
“What lies?” Agnes stepped closer looking the demon in the eye without fear. She could feel the pull of tip of his hard cock as if it were being drawn by some magnet in her pussy. Her nipples were hardened into points, her round breasts firm with arousal.
“Long before you summoned me through that ritual. All your life you’ve been a victim of your mother, your brother, your jock boyfriend and those mean girls,” James whispered darkly. “You haven’t told Nolan a true single thing and I know why.”
“You’re afraid. Afraid that he’ll see what you’ve become, what you always were and shrink back in horror or worse… He’ll make you give it all up but you don’t want to.”
“So… you know everything about me do you?” Agnes could feel tears beginning to well up as James’s words stabbed her with their harsh truths. Her mask of toughness was beginning to fracture.
James stepped closer. Agnes backed up until her back was against the wall, James’s strong arms on either side of her, trapping her in his web of words and sinful flesh. His hot breath on her skin made her pussy clench and drizzle. He wiped the concealer away from his mark other heaving chest.
“I’ve been inside you,” James whispered intensely, his voice husky with lust. “I’ve seen your darkest desires and wildest dreams. I’ve explored every inch of your body and soul. I am the only man who can give you what you truly desire: absolute freedom to be and do whatever you want. You’re a damned soul just like me…”
James leaned in, his lips brushing against Agnes’s. A huge part of her wanted to surrender. His mouth claimed hers in a heat of possessive passion. His tongue speared it’s way into her mouth as his body pressed against her. She could feel James’s cock hard and pulsating against her stomach.
Suddenly Agnes pushed James away with a force of will she didn’t know she possessed.
“Get out,” she whispered. When James wouldn’t move either dumbfounded by her resistance or pure stubbornness Agnes spoke more firmly, “Leave. Now.”
Agnes saw a look on the demon’s face that she never saw before: Hurt? Vexation? Whatever it was James vanished leaving her alone in the hallway. She sank down to the floor, sticky from arousal, throat sore with quiet sobbing, nose runny and eyes watery. Agnes was filled with self loathing and disgust because everything James had said was true…
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Writer's Problems: How To Deal With Online Criticism
If you're a writer then you're a sensitive soul. That's a good thing as it makes you sensitive to all of your characters: their reasons for doing the things they do whether good or bad. But being sensitive also means that sometimes you can take criticism hard. Like a stab in the gut hard... Especially from strangers. But I have some tips that may help make you grow harder skin.
1. Have A Good Cry About It...
I don't mean actually cry about it but if it makes you feel better then go ahead. Do things that make you feel good like watch your favorite show, listen to your favorite music, read your favorite books, or even write down your feelings. Do anything to clear your mind before you go back to reading the comments to approach them with a clear mind and detachment.
2. Take Criticism to a Point...
When you publish online you're opening yourself up to criticism. Uploading to YouTube or tweet on Twitter strangers can say whatever they want even hurtful things. You're never braver when you're faceless online. The smart thing would not to read the comments but when you're a writer you'll want to. Some will offer constructive criticism. Recently many have critiqued my first chapter of "In the Dragon's Keep" on Literotica.
How I deal with those is I look for those that complain about the same thing about the story then work on that. But some will just say "It's awful." or "It's too simplistic." Those who don't give explanation aren't worth giving thought to. If they don't like it or don't get it then screw them.
3. You're Writing For You Not For Them...
Someone suggested an editor (which are available on Literotica) but I feel like that would hinder me more or would make me second guess myself too much. I write my stories for me. If others happen to like them great but if they don't too bad. Writing starts with confidence and enthusiasm. If you write with those 2 qualities then it will translate into your story. At any rate if the website you publish to allows you can disable the comments and continue publishing in blissful ignorance.
I want to be a published author so I need the criticism. But I feel like my skin is hardening just a bit so I can better deal with rejection and harsh criticism.
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Critics from my first chapter of "In the Dragon's Keep"... They felt like attacks... |
1. Have A Good Cry About It...
I don't mean actually cry about it but if it makes you feel better then go ahead. Do things that make you feel good like watch your favorite show, listen to your favorite music, read your favorite books, or even write down your feelings. Do anything to clear your mind before you go back to reading the comments to approach them with a clear mind and detachment.
2. Take Criticism to a Point...
When you publish online you're opening yourself up to criticism. Uploading to YouTube or tweet on Twitter strangers can say whatever they want even hurtful things. You're never braver when you're faceless online. The smart thing would not to read the comments but when you're a writer you'll want to. Some will offer constructive criticism. Recently many have critiqued my first chapter of "In the Dragon's Keep" on Literotica.
How I deal with those is I look for those that complain about the same thing about the story then work on that. But some will just say "It's awful." or "It's too simplistic." Those who don't give explanation aren't worth giving thought to. If they don't like it or don't get it then screw them.
3. You're Writing For You Not For Them...
Someone suggested an editor (which are available on Literotica) but I feel like that would hinder me more or would make me second guess myself too much. I write my stories for me. If others happen to like them great but if they don't too bad. Writing starts with confidence and enthusiasm. If you write with those 2 qualities then it will translate into your story. At any rate if the website you publish to allows you can disable the comments and continue publishing in blissful ignorance.
I want to be a published author so I need the criticism. But I feel like my skin is hardening just a bit so I can better deal with rejection and harsh criticism.
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Literotica Post: In the Dragon's Keep Pt 4
Freya woke up in the same place she was for the past 2 days. She stared up at the canopy as the grey morning light streamed into the room. The undying fire warmed the whole room as if it were in the middle of summer.
Freya felt hot beneath the bear and wolf skins so she lay there in her chemise letting the light wintry breeze cool her. Her nipples stiffened, puckering through the thin cloth.
She touched the stone embedded in her collar contemplating her new situation. She heard a stirring on the floor. The dragon had stirred. Freya crawled towards the end of the bed to peer at her prisoner all the while holding the thin silver chain that she kept wrapped around her palm.
Her head resting on her folded palms, her lustrous hair cascading down her shoulder like a golden waterfall she spied on the sleeping dragon.
Veles lay curled up on the bear skin rug, his tunic off, marbled muscles gleaming in the sunlight. The princess couldn’t help but admire. He was quite peaceful when asleep. Almost non-threatening.
The iron collar was of the same design as Freya’s but seemed much colder. Embedded in the throat was a black stone, as black as a starless night. Pity sparked inside of the princess.
“Like what you see, Princess?” Veles opened one eye, a cold icy spring that leered at her. Freya shivered. From secret delight or loathing… or both. She rose from the bed, “You seem suspiciously unafraid, Dragon.”
“Should I be afraid of a human girl?” Veles mocked.
Freya picked up the shaving blade she kept on the table. She felt better with it around. Veles kept still watching Freya with intensity. The princess lowered herself, straddling the dragon god, her womanhood hot against his maleness. Teasing him with her heat.
Freya pressed the curved black blade against the god’s throat, her stormy blue eyes assessing her next move. Veles didn’t blink, keeping a cool amusing smile on his handsome face.
“And what do you plan to do with that, Princess?” Veles mused, his hands resting on Freya’s soft firm calves. His thumb lightly brushed her flesh sending a small wave of tingling sensations through Freya’s body.
In an attempt to distract herself from the secret joy of Veles’s touch, Freya let the tip of the blade dance along the dragon god’s taut muscles that she secretly admired so much. Veles himself felt a bit of a thrill as the sharp blade tickled his flesh. One of the few things that could kill him but the possibility of dying at the hands of this beauty sent an erotic thrill through the dragon.
Freya moved slightly back, unlacing his breeches to reveal just above the dragon’s hardened manhood. Veles licked his lips, his heart thundered as the blade did a dangerous dance above his cock. Freya felt Veles’s cock throb, her own sex trembling with expectation. Danger mixed with lust was intoxicating.
Veles watched a dark idea blossom in Freya’s stormy blue eyes. Her beautiful rosy lips curved into an evil smirk.
The dragon chuckled, “You want to un-man me more, Princess Freya? I’m already your dog on a leash.”
“I wonder if a god’s cock would grow back if cut off,” Freya contemplated aloud.
“You’re thinking of wearing it around your neck?” Veles raised an eyebrow as his hands dared move upward holding firm to her thighs then he arched his back a bit, pushing his pelvis up, pressing his iron-rod harder against Freya’s burning sex. “Take it if it pleases you but are you sure you want it around your neck…?”
Freya unconsciously bit her lower lip as Veles’s hard member grazed her swollen pearl sending a shock of delight through her muscles. She made a small whimpering sound as she and Veles locked eyes. She felt his hands venture further up, her heart racing as his strong firm hands reached under her small apple breasts.
Suddenly in anger Freya tugged hard on the silver leash bringing her and Veles’s faces inches apart. Her breasts and erect nipples pressed against the dragon’s hard chest. The blade pressed against Veles’s pulsating organ.
“Stop that,” she warned as the scent of rain and wet earth filled her nostrils, Veles’s natural musk.
Veles’s cool blue eyes seemed to burn into Freya’s soul. Her cheeks grew hot as her pussy drizzled with unwanted desire.
“Are you certain you want me to,” Veles sensually whispered though he made no further move. They were locked by unseen bonds. Freya fought the urge to bite on Veles’s sexy lips.
After a moment of simmering silence Freya leaned in closer looking as if she were about to act on her initial impulse but then whispered into the dragon’s ear, “Yes.”
She pulled back, their mouths still in tantalizing proximity.
Veles smiled then whispered, “Pity.”
The dragon god pulled back a little reminding Freya to breathe again then he said, “So what does my mistress command?”
Freya reluctantly slid off her pet dragon’s lap then said with a domineering air, “Dress me.”
The sun light filled the room as Veles stood before his new mistress, his eyes intense on hers as he untied her night chemise. His shirt was still off making it hard for Freya to stay focused and in control.
Freya had tied Veles’s leash to the bed post. The chain extended then retracted when needed to help Freya dress as her ladies had done when she was growing up. Veles kept his touches professional and routine but every brush of his finger tips, every breath on her flesh set Freya’s skin aflame with want.
She tried to hide it but Veles could smell her yearning for him. He said nothing but smiled smugly while humming that familiar tune that made Freya go back to her childhood.
As Veles picked out a forest green gown, Freya asked, “Where did you learn that tune?”
“It’s a song from the beginning of time,” Veles explained as he placed a clean white shift over her head. “When I was born it was the first sound I heard.”
Freya smoothed out the shift as Veles picked up the forest green gown. Her nipples stiffened against the clean fabric as she watched Veles circle around her then felt him place the dress over her head.
“Your mother sing it to you?” Freya asked.
Veles gave a dry chuckle. Freya remembered being told about how the great creator god Rod mated with the celestial cow, Zemun. Rod created the universe and everything in it. He was nature itself.
“I was born a hideous scaly thing that suckled my cow mother’s teat then when I was finished she left me,” Veles spoke dryly. “Then father threw me into the underworld telling me it was my domain while my brother… My brother was given domain over the world above. No one sings for a god of the dead.”
Veles fit the dress on Freya then came to face her to tie the strings. He averted his gaze as he remembered his lonely existence. Sympathy once more blossomed in Freya’s heart.
“My mother didn’t sing me any songs either,” Freya said as Veles tied the front strings of her dress. “Every time she looked at me she’d weep. Most of the time she avoided looking at me altogether.”
“And your father?”
“He would sometimes bring me Snow Drops,” Freya smiled at the memory. “They always cheered me up.”
They stood silently for a moment, naked hearts on display. Freya felt uncomfortable with such vulnerability.
“Was it you?” she asked quietly.
“What was?”
Freya looked Veles straight in his sky blue eyes and asked again, “Was it you in the forest watching me? Did you lead me out of the darkness back home?”
Pieces of Freya’s hair fell in front of her face. Without asking permission Veles moved the golden strands behind her ear, brushing his thumb against her noble cheek bone then her ear lobe.
Warmth pickled at the places he touched causing Freya’s face to flush with color. The princess was mesmerized by the moment, her primal female desires crying out to be heeded.
Veles inched closer. He leaned down as if to steal a kiss but Freya took hold of his manhood and squeezed it. The dragon god grunted and faltered but recovered enough to give a smug sound.
“You certainly have quite a grip for a mortal woman,” Veles laughed.
Freya relented but slipped her hand inside Veles’s breeches.
“Tell me a secret,” Freya commanded softly.
“What would you know?” Veles stared deep into the princess’s eyes intently.
“Was it you in those woods?” Freya asked carefully working the dragon’s member that grew turgid with each stroke as she would clean a blade. “Were you the one watching me?”
“Why do you ask?” Veles blinked slowly and groaned a bit at the heat of Freya’s touch. Freya took hold of the leash and jerked him closer. From a distance it looked as if they were kissing.
“My father forbid me to go into the forest,” said Freya as she tugged a little harder on Veles’s manhood. “But because I’m stubborn I would go anyway. I always felt that I was being watched.”
“Did you feel hunted?” Veles asked, some expectancy in his voice.
Freya felt powerful in that moment with the dragon god at her mercy. She whispered into his ear, “No, like someone was watching over me, protecting me like that time when I heard a song, your song leading me out of the darkness back home.”
Freya felt Veles’s breath in her ear making her joints melt. She worked his engorged flesh a bit faster but Veles kept his hands at his sides. His hands curling and uncurling into fists.
He nibbled Freya’s ear lobe whispering, his voice dripping with desire, “Why is it so important to you, Princess?”
Freya didn’t really understand her need to know the answer either. She released Veles’s stiff flesh abruptly causing Veles to growl in disapproval.
“And I thought I was the one skilled in torture, Princess Freya,” Veles chuckled dryly.
Freya felt a wetness between her legs as hot liquid trickled down her thigh. Her heart hammered in her breast. Her head dizzy with lust.
Suddenly in a clap of thunder and shriek of lightning, an eagle came screaming into the room with a powerful gust of wind. It shot right between Veles and Freya landing on one of the mystery chests.
“You again?” Freya marveled.
“Brother,” Veles spoke bitterly. “I had guessed you had a hand in this.”
The eagle leered at them both then in a swirl of feathers the creature turned into a man. Perun.
“Sorry, Brother, but I could not resist,” Perun gave a hearty laugh.
Perun was dressed in armor. Like Veles he was extremely handsome with proud, bold muscles but he had a long dark beard and several braids in his long hair as black as a starless night. His armor glittered with it’s own light and his eyes were a sharp silvery gray.
Perun didn’t wait for permission as he poured himself a goblet of wine. He leered at Freya who felt naked despite wearing new clothes.
“What do you want, Perun?” Veles growled.
Freya noticed a change in Veles’s tone. No longer smooth and seductive but dangerous and bitter. She watched as the dragon’s human blue eyes turn into serpent slits.
“Same old Veles,” Perun sighed. “Always expecting the worst from me.”
“Centuries have taught me to be wary of you, Brother,” said Veles as he moved in front of Freya as if to shield her.
“Honestly?” Perun cocked a dark bushy brow. “I saw how unfairly you were treating your new bride and thought to assist her. Make it even.”
“Taking me home wasn’t an idea?” Freya spoke bitterly as she moved out from behind her dragon pet to glower at the smug sky god.
Veles smiled a little at his bride’s feistiness. Perun frowned, “Humans are so hard to please. They want everything handed to them without any effort on their part.”
“You could never take constructive criticism, Oh might sky god,” Veles mocked. Freya chuckled despite herself as she watched Perun squeeze the goblet so much it dented.
“You were always too soft on them, Veles,” Perun accused. The a sky god drained his damaged goblet then took a few steps towards Freya who stood unafraid, “But I will say you have fine taste in beauty. I wonder how pretty she looks on her back…”
Freya jutted out her noble chin in disdain for Perun but Veles quickly stood between them, a growl vibrating in his gut making the whole castle shake.
“Back off,” Veles hissed. Freya could see scales beginning to erupt all over Veles’s marbled muscles, wings budding from his shoulder blades. His body was getting ready to shift into beastly form.
The two divinities stood glowering at each other, each daring the other to make a move and make this castle a battle ground. But Perun relented.
“You never were good at sharing, Brother,” Perun sniffed.
“Being given nothing makes one hold fast to what treasure they acquire,” Veles’s body settled down returning to his handsome self.
Perun scoffed. He gave one last gut churning look at Freya who stared back with stone cold eyes as he transformed into a large eagle again in a whirlwind of feathers.
With lightning speed the eagle flew out of the enchanted castle window. The storm passed leaving only sunlight again.
Freya laid in bed staring up at the canopy, laying on top of the bear and wolf skins in her loose chemise. Her hand wandered to her collar.
Veles sat at the end of the bed staring at her with a smile. Freya frowned, “What?”
“How long are we going to continue this little dance of yours?”
Freya shrugged casually as if not understanding what the dragon meant.
“So we’re going to continue being each other’s slave?” Veles mused.
“All you have to do is take this collar off me and take me home,” Freya reasoned as she sat up, leaning against the bed frame playing with the chain. “Then perhaps I’ll release you.”
Veles smiled as he watched her play with the silver chain as she smiled like a cat that had caught the mouse and was toying with it now.
“One flaw in your plan, Princess,” Veles smirked.
Freya cocked an eyebrow now amused. She was becoming less frustrated with Veles’s smugness.
“That would imply that I want you to take off this collar,” Veles rested his chin on his hands, his perfect muscled shoulders and biceps glowing in the fire light behind him.
“You like being on a leash?” Freya scoffed. “No man likes to be a slave especially to a woman.”
“Depends on the woman,” Veles shrugged his broad shoulders.
Freya tugged on the chain commanding Veles to crawl towards her. The dragon did as he was bid, crawling towards his mistress like a dog crawling towards it’s master.
Freya moved then commanded, “Lie on your back.”
Veles did so, his arms outstretched, his eyes calm. Freya could feel her nipples hardening. Her pussy dampening as she hovered over top of her dragon lord. Her golden hair enveloped them both as she stared down at him intensely.
Freya then moved backwards, letting the chain rest on Veles’s chest. Freya could see the hungry bulge in the dragon god’s breeches.
“So you prefer a woman on top?” Freya asked curiously. “A woman in a dominant position?”
Freya tugged on the strings of Veles’s breeches. He sighed softly as Freya then rubbed him through his breeches.
“Why not?” Veles grinned.
Freya’s curiosity got the better of her as she pulled down the dragon’s pants to reveal his pink half sturdy member. She gasped a little. It had a massive girth that made Freya’s thighs quiver, her womanhood spasm. Would it hurt that have that large thing inside her?
With a warrior’s courage Freya locked eyes with Veles as she took hold of his hardened manhood. Her soft hand holding his swelling cock she felt it’s pulse race. She felt it twitch and grow rigid in her hand as she lightly rubbed it. She had never touched a man’s cock let alone seen one.
It felt powerful just as Freya imagined Veles did when he touched her in her womanly center. She wouldn’t say it out loud but she liked the feel of Veles’s cock, the way it hardened at her touch. A groan rumbled in the back of Veles’s throat as Freya stroked the massive member. The power one felt from making one moan in pleasure was a bit intoxicating.
“I wonder…,” Freya spoke aloud. She couldn’t explain her dirty desires for this beast. Something primal inside her was taking control. A raw passion that made her want to swallow the dragon god whole.
Veles watched with growing lust as Freya lightly kissed the mushroom head. He tasted salty. Did all men taste like that? Emboldened by Veles’s soft groans Freya wrapped her pink lips around the head, giving it a slight flick of her tongue that made Veles shudder and groan with delight. The princess didn’t take his whole self into her mouth but tortured him slowly as he tortured her the first day he had her trapped in his lair.
Most of her technique was purely instinct. Veles didn’t mind. He found her curious probing erotic. He made sure to be vocal on how well the princess was doing.
Every few moments she would take more in, sucking hard on her way back. Once Freya even lightly dragged her teeth along his sinewy staff. This made Veles shiver with delight. Freya was letting him know that she could bite him at any time but chose not to. Then with rapid circular motions, she explored the entire length of his shaft with her tongue.
Veles watched Freya as she stimulated him with her mouth, his passion for her growing. His breath stopped then became short and ragged. He moved her golden hair away to see her beautiful face. Every inch of him craved her. He wanted to draw her up to his mouth and taste himself on her proud soft lips.
Veles could feel his body approaching the brink, his mind clouded with passion until Freya abruptly stopped.
His voice was like a roar, “Why did you stop?”
Freya looked up defiantly with a smirk. Veles’s cock oozed pre-cum while the rest was painfully backed up.
“Finish it,” Veles begged, his body on the brink of release but unable to do so.
“You still haven’t answered my question,” Freya’s chemise slipped revealing her elegant shoulder. Her apple breasts and stiff nipples poking through the fabric. Her lips wet with his pre-cum. She looked so enticing in the fire light. A lustful house cat playing with her prey.
Veles groaned then laughed.
“Why is it so important?” he asked.
“I don’t really know…,” Freya looked away. She tucked her hair behind both of her ears averting her gaze. Veles smiled.
“You only do that when you’re uncertain of something,” Veles said. Freya looked back at him, her stormy blue eyes confused and somewhat frustrated.
“Yes,” he said. “I was the one watching over you in the woods,” Veles finally admitted. “I was the one who led you home that day when you got lost.”
Freya crawled back on top of Veles. They looked into each other’s eyes as if seeing each other naked for the first time. Veles wasn’t sure what Freya would do next. He was still throbbing and hard, wanting to shove his dragon cock deep inside her tender virgin flesh.
Freya leaned in as if she were about to kiss him but instead she pressed her finger to the black stone on Veles’s collar. Veles heard a snap. The collar fell off, the chain dissolved.
The princess rolled off the dragon god lying next to him in silence. Veles suddenly pinned her wrists on the pillows. Freya didn’t give much resistance. While one hand had her wrists pinned, Veles used his other to hike up Freya’s chemise up over her thighs around her hips.
They looked at each other. Veles’s still iron hard rod pressed against Freya’s damp feminine petals. Veles’s lips lightly brushed hers as he slowly sunk his fleshy blade into her wet sheath. He groaned softly as he felt her satin virgin heat engulf his cock. Freya shifted making whimpering sounds, the massive girth of the dragon stretching her walls painfully.
The dragon god drew back slowly then speared her again this time deeper. Freya gave a small cry of pain. Veles repeated his motion until Freya’s cries of pain soon melted into cries of pleasure as her legs opened wide and her body became more receptive.
Veles’s grip on Freya’s wrists loosened, sliding his hands into hers, their fingers laced together as the dragon god moved his hips in a circular motion. Freya wrapped her legs around Veles’s waist to push him further in and keep him in place.
Freya felt a fire ignite within her loins that spread slowly through her causing her insides to melt. Every nerve was alive and sparked with delight. She could feel every inch of her body, her lips tingling, her skin more sensitive to the animal skins and even the air.
Veles licked the sweat off Freya’s elegant swan neck all the way to her chin. His movements quickened. Their lust reaching a crescendo Freya arched her back as Veles brushed his fiery lips against her noble cheek bone.
Then Freya’s muscles spasmed. Veles shook through his orgasm as Freya felt the dragon’s seed spill into her womb. He lay on top of her their fingers still laced together. Then Veles whispered into Freya’s ear but she couldn’t hear as she was swept away by raptured sleep, her body thrumming with satisfaction.
Freya was lost in dreams. She was in a grove of willow trees and it was raining. A dragon slumbered next to her beneath the largest willow. But she didn’t feel afraid. She felt safe. The scaly beast wrapped it’s strong claw around her, pulling her close to its chest. It’s leathery wing provided cover from the rain.
The princess could feel the fire within the creature, could hear it’s heart beating steadily. Freya felt someone’s hand run along her shin, over her knee then over her inner thigh. Fingers began rubbing her pink flower.
It felt so good. She shifted herself, opening her legs a bit wider to allow the stranger better access. Freya thought it was the dragon. She was hoping it was but then she heard a foul shrieking of thunder. The princess looked up to see a terrible black eagle with red eyes shrieking at her.
The black eagle descended like a storm cloud. Freya cried out in terror then woke up to find herself in the woods beneath an old oak tree. The castle was gone. She recognized the woods. She had explored it many times. Freya was home.
“Welcome back, Princess Freya,” a familiar sly voice called to her.
Freya looked up to see the sky god, Perun smiling down at her from the branches of the old oak tree. Freya realized that she was still in her night chemise as the wintry wind chilled her to the bone. More than ever she wished to be back at Veles’s castle.
She hugged herself to fight off the chill as Perun leapt from his perch.
“What did you do?” Freya glowered at Perun. The god only smirked holding up his bear skin cloak.
“Cold?” he offered.
Freya didn’t move. Not just because her feet were practically frozen to the frosted grass. She was stubborn.
“You should be thanking me, Princess,” Perun frowned, his grey eyes leering at her again. “I got you away from that monster.”
“With you gods it’s hard to tell the difference,” Freya spat as she shivered. She was trying to seem unafraid but the cold was undoing the illusion.
Nevertheless Perun tried to wrap the bear skin around Freya but before she could flinch or cry out in refusal, the princess’s collar glowed, the stone looked as if it were aflame. The heat warmed Freya, melting the ice from her bones turning the grass at her feet a spring green wet with melted frost.
Perun stepped back with a growl.
“I see my brother protects his pet,” Perun sneered.
“I am no one’s pet,” Freya hissed.
“Ha,” Perun looked up at the old oak. “Do you know where we are, Princess?”
“The forest outside my castle,” Freya answered simply.
“We are in the exact spot your father made his pact with the dragon,” Perun continued. “Under my sacred tree.”
“So?” Panic was beginning to rise in Freya, tightening her chest making it difficult to breathe easy. She was already getting ready to flee when Perun said, “Making oaths under another god’s tree nullifies any contract a god makes with any human. So actually…”
Perun stepped forward, “You’re mine, Princess. I’ll be a better master than that overgrown lizard. I can show you even more pleasure.”
Freya could see the bulge in Perun’s breeches as he stepped forward. Just as he was about to touch her face, Freya slapped the sky god hard across the face making Perun falter.
Freya then sped off deeper into the woods. There was a lake west of the ancient oak leaving seething green foot steps in her wake. If she could just get to it…
Freya heard the terrifying shriek of the eagle she dreamed of. She saw the shadow of a large bird racing to get to her.
Fear gripped Freya’s heart but only made her run harder. Her heart felt as if it would explode as if pounded in her chest.
Her body cried out in rebellion of this exertion. Her muscles strained, her bones hurt, her lungs felt as if they were on fire. Freya didn’t watch where she was going as the god’s shadow caught up with her.
The root of an oak lifted from the ground, commanded by Perun and wrapped itself around Freya’s ankle. Freya stumbled. She tried to free herself but it was no use.
Perun landed in human form, his steely eyes cold with raw lust.
“You can’t get away from me, Princess,” Perun said coolly. “You’ll enjoy this I promise.”
Perun knelt down but with a free leg Freya kicked him in the gut. Perun clenched then in a ripped her chemise to reveal her nakedness. He was going to ravage her here on the cold earth made warm by Freya’s burning body.
Perun clamped his hand on struggling Freya’s mouth despite that it was scorching his skin but she saw the small sword on his belt and an idea bloomed.
She sunk her teeth into the sky god’s flesh, drawing the golden blood from his pale flesh.
“You wild bitch!” Perun cursed. He loosened his grip on her giving Freya enough time to grab his sword then sink it into his gut.
Perun groaned in frustration as he fell backward. He slowly pulled the blade now gold with his blood. His eyes were ice cold sending a foreboding chill through Freya’s human bones.
“You’ll pay for that…,” Perun was about to lunge at her when a giant clawed paw grabbed him from behind and pulled him away. Then a terrible roar shattered the atmosphere.
It was Veles in dragon form. Veles then slammed his brother into the ground creating a human formed crater.
Freya managed to get free of the root. She looked up at Veles in his terrifying form. Fire streamed out of his gaping mouth at full force scorching everything except Freya who was protected by her collar.
Freya watched as the fire crawled in all directions. She was afraid that the fire would reach her family home and other innocents.
“STOP! STOP, VELES!” She cried out. Veles paused and looked at the princess with his golden slitted serpent eyes. Freya saw the human in those eyes. Her heart hurt with joy to see him.
Veles breathed in all the flames he had previously let loose, saving the forest and whatever else that was there. Then he transformed into a human standing over his brother’s burning body. Suddenly it began to rain. It was like icicles soothing the after burn of the dragon’s fire.
Freya ran to Veles and without thinking embraced him. Veles in turn wrapped his arms around Freya as she buried her face in his broad shoulder.
She suddenly felt very cold as the fire from her collar died down leaving her vulnerable to the cold rain. Her golden locks plastered to her skin. Her defiant eyes rheumy. Veles felt himself grow hard at the sight of her.
“Is he…,” Freya ventured.
“Perun is made of stronger stuff,” Veles sighed, dryly adding: “He’ll be back to his old charming self in a few days.”
“I don’t care about him,” Freya scowled at her singed attacker. “I’m just… I’m…”
Freya couldn’t find the words to express her thanks. Veles smirked in a way that annoyed her, “The proud spoiled princess at a loss for words? Never thought I’d see the day.”
Freya punched Veles as hard as she could in frustration. Veles laughed then caught a second of Freya’s blows, closing his mouth on hers possessively.
Freya’s body surrendered. She couldn’t fight it anymore. The fire within her was hungry for him.
“No one is allowed to bind you or have you but me,” Veles growled hoarsely. “Understand?”
“Or else what?” Freya teased with a coy twinkle in her stormy blue eyes. Veles flashed a wicked grin. He kissed her brusquely again, shielding her from the rain with his leathery wings that enveloped them in a dark warm enclosure.
The bed chamber was washed in orange light. Veles, naked, his muscles glistening in the fire light, played with a snow drop in his hands as he walked over to the bed smiling at the creature he had bound there.
Veles had the mortal princess strung up like a fresh kill in his enchanted castle. He had Freya’s wrists bound and tied to two bed posts, she was on her knees on the bed. She was naked before him. Freya’s collar rested against her collar bone. Her breasts already firm and nipples two stiff crests waiting to be played with.
He smiled with pleasure at the sight of his captive bride’s curly mound that drizzled with the dew of her arousal.
The dragon god traced the flower along the princess’s lovely navel as he kissed the mole hidden beneath her breast. Freya sighed in bliss. Then Veles tucked the flower behind his love’s ear.
Freya felt Veles’s fingers trace along her wet slit. His hand balled into a fist in her soft golden locks. His hot breath whispering in her ear as he said, “Say my name.”
Freya remained mute, her mouth shaped in an “o” containing a silent cry of pleasure. She bit her lip to prevent the words from escaping. Veles rubbed a bit harder making Freya whimper but she still said nothing. In fact she smiled coyly. Half out of defiance. Half out of the desire to see what other blissful torture the dragon god would inflict upon her to get what he wanted.
“Still the defiant spoiled Princess,” Veles chuckled taking up the challenge.
Veles looked into Freya’s rebellious eyes daring him to probe his fingers further, a pair of blue pools that bore into him making his cock rise at half mast.
“I want to hear you say my name,” Veles ordered softly.
“Why?” she asked defiantly but her eyes were curious, searching the dragon god’s face for the answer.
Veles dipped his fingers deep into Freya’s tight satin canal making the defiant princess sigh in ecstasy. Her muscles melted in small waves of fire pulsing through her body as Veles hooked his fingers and dragged them along her walls in a “come hither” motion.
Veles kissed her collar bone then traced his tongue along her neck to her ear where he nibbled her lobe. Then once more he whispered, “You’re mine and I want you to say my name.”
“Or else?” Freya goaded.
Veles removed his fingers to Freya’s chagrin. He moved slowly behind her, a low growl vibrating in his throat. His hands running along her hips as the dragon stopped behind her.
He ran his fingers through her soft golden tresses, burying his nose in them, inhaling the natural mortal scent of her clean wool and pine. Freya shivered with hidden pleasure.
Then she felt his lips in her ear as he roughly pulled her head back then whispered in a voice husky with passion, “Then I’ll punish you.”
Freya smiled then dared, “Do your worst, dragon.”
Veles traced his lips along her throat, trailing his teeth along the princess’s tender flesh taking little love bites as his hands caressed her perky apple breasts. Freya’s nipples hardened into brown crests as Veles rolled the points between his thumb and index finger, tweaking and pinching them making the princess groan.
Her pussy drizzled and clenched and unclenched, wanting him to pay attention to it but Veles refused focusing all sensual energy on Freya’s breasts and nipples. Veles gently squeezed and fondled her ample mounds while softly chuckling into her ear.
“Please…,” Freya begged again in a raspy moan.
“Please what?” Veles mused as he bit her shoulder leaving teeth marks. Hearing Freya cry out in passion made him iron-hard. He tweaked her nipples harder as he felt her lean into him, his cock rubbing against her quivering sex that ached with need for him.
“Please just do it,” Freya begged fiercely.
“You want my fingers down there?” Veles released one engorged tip, his hand pressing against the princess’s firm abdomen hovering above her downy mound that glistened with the dew of her arousal. He remembered the sweet taste of her juices but he wanted to hear Freya say it.
Veles ran his thumb over Freya’s rock hard, sensitive nipple when she didn’t answer right away. Freya shivered.
“Please I need you down there,” Freya pleaded. She would only ever beg for him. Only for Veles. Freya was in a state of raw lust where her mind was a haze of heat and her body in desperate need for some kind of release. She thought she would come from just Veles’s touch of her breasts and nipples.
“You know what I want,” Veles whispered as he imprinted a sizzling kiss by her eye, taking his other hand away from her firm breast to run his fingers through her silken hair.
“Please… what?”
Freya sighed in sweet surrender, “Veles… I want you, Veles.”
Veles licked the sweat from her neck, her collar twinkling in the fire light. Then he slowly made his way to face Freya. He stood before her, his sky blue eyes watching her euphoric face as he took his cock out and watched Freya’s eyes widen at the sight.
His divine cock was long and swollen with arousal. Freya’s insides jolted with sensual delight.
“I’ll be gentle,” Veles read her thoughts. He captured her stunned lips in his, sucking on her lower lip as he teased her dripping petals with the mushroom head of his cock.
“Don’t you dare…,” Freya chuckled.
Veles speared into Freya’s molten core, her tender flesh slick with her love juices. He was gentle at first, feeling her muscles tense then release then clamp as he tried to pull out.
Freya groaned as Veles pummeled her wet pussy. She felt his massive staff pierce her intestines like a fiery spear setting her whole body on fire with pleasure. Veles squeezed her small yet round firm breasts, pinching her nipples as he went deep inside of her.
Then Veles came. She felt his hot cum deep in her willing womb. Veles leaned against her, kissing Freya’s ear, his hot breath on her neck giving her goosebumps. He placed his hand on Freya’s swollen pink pearl as he was still hard inside her.
Veles licked the beads of sweat from Freya’s lovely swan neck as she squirmed and wriggled trying to press herself harder against his hand. Freya’s skin tingled as she felt the wave of her orgasm crash over her like waves on a summer shore.
Her body trembled with the aftershock. Freya’s knees turned to water. She was glad that the leather binds and Veles were holding her up. Veles and Freya’s breath was ragged with the lustful exertion.
Veles draped Freya’s gold spun hair over her shoulder as his lips traveled along her spine. The salt of her sweat was delicious on the dragon’s tongue. His mouth made it to Freya’s arse cheek. His thumb made a circle around his princess’s tight arse hole.
“If you keep doing that I think I’ll die,” Freya laughed from the tickling sensation. “My whole body maybe numb.”
“You told me not to be gentle, Princess Freya,” Veles remarked his voice dripping with desire. “I’m only doing as you command.”
“Wait until I get out of here, dragon,” Freya promised with dark glee. “I’ll repay you in kind.”
Veles rolled over on his back then stuck his head in between Freya’s sticky thighs. He flashed her a naughty look as he licked her sopping petals making a delicious “Mmmmmmm” sound. Freya let out a slight gasp. Her plump kissable lips curved into a sensual smile.
“I hope so, Princess,” Veles licked her again feeling her shudder with longing. “I hope so…”
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Literotica Post: Nap Time Interlude
I sent this to Literotica. I have other projects in the works that I hope to have done soon. Right now I'm working on some old stuff ...

Because of a special request I continued with this story. If you would like to know what happens next just post a comment. Writing P...
This blog is for me that others may read. I spend at least an hour on each prompt then go back and edit it then post it. If I ...
Writing Prompt: 1. "Kill the child, it's the right thing to do." 2. "Does he know about the baby?"...