Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Writing Prompt: "Wolves of Rome 2"
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Thursday, June 9, 2016
The Struggling Writer
I don't advertise that I write in my free time or that I'm aspiring to be a writer unless on social media because that's mostly how I make my new connections to progress that small ambition. I don't open a conversation with it because strangers give me that usual condescending look along with the exaggerated "Oh! Really. Interesting." Yeah thanks... I write and I'm proud I do.
Writers, aspiring anyway, don't get much respect or consideration. Never mind the greats such as George R.R. Martin, J.K. Rowling, Diana Gabaldon, and Dan Brown were all struggling at one point in their lives when trying to write their master pieces. George Lucas waited 20 years before writing down Star Wars. John Milton died in debt though Paradise Lost is now a household name in English Literature. William Shakespeare had an easier time though he still lived pay check to pay check even though we all don't finish high school until we read Romeo & Juliet, Macbeth, and Hamlet.
I myself have a Bachelor's degree in Radio/TV/Film (about as useless as an English degree) but I don't have a huge interest in video editing or filming. I love TV shows and Movies but I prefer writing them to filming them. Mostly because I know how difficult and a pain in the ass it is to get the whole thing together. I just can't take the stress of long hours and deadlines that comes with production. I stick to writing scripts. I have a few professors who marveled at the scripts I've written. So much that they put them in archives in case some student wants to make them. "Wow you wrote that just last night?" Writing comes natural to me. Like most writers I'm a recluse who prefers a book to a real person.
Look I understand I have to make a living and I do. I have a paycheck every week and health benefits that I don't pay $1,000 a month for. Being a cashier isn't a dream career but I'm well off and it allows me enough time to write casually. I just can't stand the sly or judgmental looks that say "Look how unsuccessful she is". I'm 27 (though some say I look 22 or younger ) and my friends talk about reaching their 30s like it's a death sentence. All I want is a roof over my head and a book or a nice leather journal to write all my ideas down (I have 6).
I suppose to most writing in any way makes someone seem lazy or unambitious. And yeah most of the time trying to get your novel published or your movie script produced feels like a hopeless battle with piles of rejection letters but even if I don't make money I can't imagine myself NOT writing anything. I've joined a few writing sites to get my stories out there and no they won't pay me but whenever someone comments saying "This is great" or "I love this" or even "My new favorite character!" it's enough to make me smile.
I write for myself and no one else. I write stories because I want to read them. I have so many ideas in my head I'll explode if I don't jot one down on paper. It's what makes me happy. It's what keeps me sane or at least gets my demons down on paper to make them less frightening. The thing I want most in life is to be happy and maybe that makes me seem lazy but I'd rather wake up and like myself for doing things my way than hating myself for not pursuing a passion.
Writers, aspiring anyway, don't get much respect or consideration. Never mind the greats such as George R.R. Martin, J.K. Rowling, Diana Gabaldon, and Dan Brown were all struggling at one point in their lives when trying to write their master pieces. George Lucas waited 20 years before writing down Star Wars. John Milton died in debt though Paradise Lost is now a household name in English Literature. William Shakespeare had an easier time though he still lived pay check to pay check even though we all don't finish high school until we read Romeo & Juliet, Macbeth, and Hamlet.
I myself have a Bachelor's degree in Radio/TV/Film (about as useless as an English degree) but I don't have a huge interest in video editing or filming. I love TV shows and Movies but I prefer writing them to filming them. Mostly because I know how difficult and a pain in the ass it is to get the whole thing together. I just can't take the stress of long hours and deadlines that comes with production. I stick to writing scripts. I have a few professors who marveled at the scripts I've written. So much that they put them in archives in case some student wants to make them. "Wow you wrote that just last night?" Writing comes natural to me. Like most writers I'm a recluse who prefers a book to a real person.
Look I understand I have to make a living and I do. I have a paycheck every week and health benefits that I don't pay $1,000 a month for. Being a cashier isn't a dream career but I'm well off and it allows me enough time to write casually. I just can't stand the sly or judgmental looks that say "Look how unsuccessful she is". I'm 27 (though some say I look 22 or younger ) and my friends talk about reaching their 30s like it's a death sentence. All I want is a roof over my head and a book or a nice leather journal to write all my ideas down (I have 6).
I suppose to most writing in any way makes someone seem lazy or unambitious. And yeah most of the time trying to get your novel published or your movie script produced feels like a hopeless battle with piles of rejection letters but even if I don't make money I can't imagine myself NOT writing anything. I've joined a few writing sites to get my stories out there and no they won't pay me but whenever someone comments saying "This is great" or "I love this" or even "My new favorite character!" it's enough to make me smile.
I write for myself and no one else. I write stories because I want to read them. I have so many ideas in my head I'll explode if I don't jot one down on paper. It's what makes me happy. It's what keeps me sane or at least gets my demons down on paper to make them less frightening. The thing I want most in life is to be happy and maybe that makes me seem lazy but I'd rather wake up and like myself for doing things my way than hating myself for not pursuing a passion.
30 Minute Writing Prompt: A Demon's Monologue of Good & Evil
First off I'd like to apologize to those who read my Writing Blog that I haven't posted in months. Been having problems with my internet connection on my lap top (Apple of course; a pain in my ass). Also on "Sirens of the Belt" I should be done the prequel before summer is over. Had to scrap "Heir to Damnation" and rethink it. Right now I'm doing a quick 30 minute prompt to clear the cobwebs so I can edit something I have for Literotica.com (need to practice writing sex scenes and that seems a good place to start). So enjoy this short prompt...
Writing Prompt:
Who decided Demons were evil and Humans were good?
I suppose if you see a demon with our long curved horns, sharp teeth, glowing eyes, and pale or red skin all gnarled and animal-like you would think us evil creatures. Who decided Demons were evil and Humans were good? I'll tell you who: Humans. Such sad, hypocritical, often very confusing creatures that God created because He was bored one day or because He wanted a creature able to vocalize complete sentences enough to praise Him in all His pride and vainglory (and you thought the Son of Morning was proud). Though if that's what He wanted God should have made Adam and Eve without genitals... or even free thought. You have to wonder at some point whether God planned the entire debacle. If He didn't want Adam and Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge then why put it there at all? Hmmm But in any case, Humans...
I have to say the males are worse than the females. Not to say women can't be evil. More often they're more diabolical and heartless than the men. Yet men are more often spineless, which makes them worse. When God demanded to know what happened with the fruit Adam didn't hesitate in pointing the finger at Eve. Funny, I don't remember her forcing it down his throat. No wonder Lilith left Adam's pathetic controlling ass. I'd spread my legs for a horse (Lord made them more endowed anyway) than sit one more minute listening to Adam prattle on how he was superior while he pummeled his little flesh rod into me. The real Original Sin was man's cowardice. Yet moving on...
I can't remember the last peaceful hour on Earth. Humans started multiplying and they suddenly felt there wasn't enough resources to go around though God made plenty. Wars happened every other day all over; more often over stupid things like who's sheep belonged to whom or which river flowed over which imaginary boundary line. Some built cities that were I will admit impressive. The Babylonians with their hanging gardens but then they built that tower. They blamed God's wrath that made it fall. To be honest Humans were just shoddy craftsmen back then. They got better at building though no better at treating each other better. Slavery. Treating their fellow man like property no better than furniture. Raping, pillaging, and burning innocent towns. Did God drop these creatures on their heads or did some wiring get crossed in their fragile simple brains?
Still Humans worshiped the art of killing and death. What's so poetic about men bleeding out and soiling themselves? What's so musical about people crying out for their mothers or a merciful deity as their guts spilled onto the ground, soaking it with their filthy blood while their families or comrades watch in horror? I must be tone deaf. The so called Faithful were the worst. I still remember the Crusades as if they were yesterday. "Good" Christian knights slaughtering women, children, and old people saying it was for the glory of God to kill the infidels. Oh so it's not murder if God tells you to do it. Though I don't remember humans asking His opinion... Innocent blood soaked the sands of Israel though not for the first time. Yet still they had the audacity to call it a holy mission.
World War 1 and 2 were even more terrible examples of Human cruelty. The second I still can't think about without getting sick. Millions of innocent men, women, and children marked and sent to die in camps and why? Jealousy. Envy. Greed. The Jews were perhaps a more prosperous people than anyone. And why not? Weren't they God's first faithful? Before the Christians and the Muslims they were first to praise one of His many names. Humans treat their own so harshly and still most have the nerve to blame the Devil or demons as the cause for all the misery in the world. How dare they.
We demons don't massacre our own kind. We don't rape and punish young children for our own amusement. Humans say demons make them do things. HA! As if Humans need any real prompting. All we do is watch and present options. God gave Humans free will. No one; not an evil genie or that boring angel on your shoulder can make any one do anything they don't want to. No. The truth is Humans want to abuse, to hurt, to kill, to destroy because it makes them feel good. Even when they whip themselves or burn their penance into their skin it's all of their doing and they like it. We demons just sit and watch. Go ahead and blame us for your misery. We won't be the ones that will face trial on Judgement Day.
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Literotica Post: Nap Time Interlude
I sent this to Literotica. I have other projects in the works that I hope to have done soon. Right now I'm working on some old stuff ...

Because of a special request I continued with this story. If you would like to know what happens next just post a comment. Writing P...
This blog is for me that others may read. I spend at least an hour on each prompt then go back and edit it then post it. If I ...
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