Thursday, August 20, 2015
Writing Prompt: This Woman's Work
This blog is for me that others may read. I spend at least an hour on each prompt then go back and edit it then post it. If I come back to it I come back to it but if I don't then oh well. I have so many stories in my head and get depressed if I don't write something so this is more therapy for me. Enjoy!
When the last courtesan training house is threatened with obsolescence, the downtrodden of the Athena Belt unite to preserve the last vestige of female independence.
And use this prompt:
1. This is a woman's war.
Magdalene made very convincing noises of euphoria as her old lover worked his tongue between her ebony thighs beneath the silk cream white sheets. She gyrated her hips to sell it. Actually she was rolling her eyes. The House of Hedone taught her well. To end this farce Magdalene made a final cry of ecstasy. Her lover resurfaced, breathing heavy, "How long was that?"
"25 minutes or so," Magdalene sighed giving the impression of lustful satisfaction. "You're getting better, Viceroy Seneca." Viceroy Seneca was one of the most influential statesman of Athena's Belt. Quadrant 17 had the most goods in trade and they didn't trade better than in flesh. Though lately it had been struggling in that department. Viceroy Seneca's skin was saggy and a bit leathery feeling coarse against Magdalene's smooth gleaming ebony skin. She could have done worse in a patron. Seneca wrapped his arms around his young courtesan basking in an after glow. Magdalene laid there a good 15 minutes before asking, "The Senate meets tomorrow?"
"Yes," Seneca sighed still in a haze of sex. "Very boring."
"I just wanted to make sure that you were still for the courtesan training houses staying open," Magdalene rolled over to face her lover wearing her most seductive smile. Seneca lifted Magdalene's chin, running his pink thumb over her plush dark lips. Her black hair draped over her soft shoulder. She was good enough to eat. He went in for a kiss but Magdalene leaned back. She was such a tease.
Seneca smiled, "Of course. Why would you think otherwise?"
"I know about the riots on Pyroeis," Magdalene's tenor voice became somber, dropping her teasing act. "And the religious fanatics who burned down old courtesan training houses."
It wasn't surprising to Seneca to hear that his courtesan knew all of this. Everyone knew. The Army of the Light was a militia of zealots bent on destroying everything they deemed lewd and impure. They valued the institution of marriage and discouraged pre-marital relations.
"Well what are you doing about it?" Magdalene sat up in bed giving Seneca judgmental looks. She wanted some concession for enduring Seneca's lewd often sweaty attentions.
"They're a bunch of young upstarts that won't last long," Seneca swung his feet over his bed, getting his pants back on. Magdalene wrapped the silk sheet around her body, accentuating her voluptuous figure. It only made her all the more desirable with her angry pout.
"How can you say that when they've been gaining support from the upper caste?"
"I promise you," Seneca poured some wine in two glasses. "I have assurances from more than half the Senate that at least the House of Hedone will have its protection from the government." Seneca gave Magdalene a glass. She looked at him with suspicion but after a pause smiled broadly and accepted his peace offering.
"As long as I live," Seneca swore taking a sip of his wine, "you and your fellow courtesans will be well taken care of." Magdalene took a victory sip. Seneca caressed Magdalene's face with his wrinkly yet strong hands. It was moments like this that Magdalene actually found Seneca attractive. The things she did for Lady Euphemia, her Matron and mentor at the House of Hedone. Magdalene dropped her defenses along with her sheet and took her lover in an impassioned embrace. They collapsed onto the bed engaging in athletic love making until Seneca's nose began bleeding. Drops of blood wet Magdalene's chest as her lover began seizing.
"Seneca...?" Magdalene panicked. Even more so when she saw that her nose was bleeding. Poison. Seneca went first. Magdalene collapsed on top of him, dying the moment she fell. The two lovers lying together in peace before some servants found them.
Euphemia had her time as one of the greatest courtesans of Athena's Belt. She had long wavy red hair like fire and piercing blue eyes as blue and as sharp as a cold spring. Now she was a Matron teaching other girls in the art of seduction. The downtrodden women thrived on the industry. The highest of society would come to Mira to buy the services of her courtesans. In a society where little option is left for the daughters of the poor (farmers, miners, etc) becoming a courtesan was the best way for a woman to enter the highest ranks of society. To be independent and even support their families. Now that lively hood was being threatened. By religion, by the times. Viceroy Seneca's death, their only champion with the forceful personality and enough respect of the Senate to keep them open was dead along with one of Euphemia's best girls. Magdalene was like a daughter to her. She suspected someone from the Army of Light was behind it. No one gained more from Elroy Seneca's death than them. Euphemia needed a game changer...
Euphemia stared out the window at her students as they sat in a circle around one girl who read to them. The House of Hedone was once a glorious house that over saw over 200 hundred students. Many famous courtesans graduated from this palace on Pyroeis's moon, Mira. Now the school barely functions with only 30 or so students. Times were changing and not for the better.
"Troubled my lady?" A young man's voice cooed. Being that Euphemia was a retired courtesan now she could choose whom ever she liked to share her bed. Ion Kerr was in his early 30s with hair the color of corn and eyes like two chocolate candies. He tasted just as sweet too. Some would mock that Euphemia was 20 years Ion's senior but she never gave a damn about anyone's opinion other than her own.
Ion kissed Euphemia's shoulder. The Matron smiled, the wrinkles on her face stretching.
"Just thinking up strategy," Euphemia answered honestly. She put on her white gossamer night dress, her brownish yet pert nipples clearly visible. "Seneca's death has been a horrible blow."
"I imagine the Army of the Light is happy," Ion figured.
"And a few other grasping politicians," Euphemia miffed. "Though it wouldn't be the first time our glorious house came under siege."
"Shall I fortify our castle's defense," Ion was half joking.
"No my darling," Euphemia put on her dark blue velvet robe, dark colors being the only thing to compliment her once vibrant red hair. "This is a woman's war and it will be fought with a woman's weapons."
Euphemia sat at her vanity mirror applying make up to her time worn face. Euphemia mourned her lost youthful looks. Her once naturally rosy cheeks faded, her lustrous gleaming hair now dull with age and her porcelain skin was showing some signs of cracking and a bit of sagging.
"And what kind of weapons do women have?" Ion asked curiously as he peeked outside the window. As much as he appreciated Euphemia's love and attention there was one flower in the garden that captured his attention more than anything else. The dark haired beauty with an imperious nature, Constance.
"Beauty for one," Euphemia explained as she took out her ivory bone jewel encrusted comb that was a gift from one of her first patrons, "her charm and most importantly that special place between her thighs."
"That will be difficult to sell if all the senators are taking vows of celibacy," warned Ion his attention returned to his more mature lover. He began messaging her shoulders slowly with a sensual ulterior motive.
"Trust me, my love," Euphemia stood up, shrugging her young stud's hands off, "all men can be bought. Virtue is a lovely mask but underneath all men are perverted egotists, especially politicians. This is a woman's work and the downtrodden women of Athena's Belt will show these fat old aristocrats that we are not easily trampled." Euphemia had a plan to invite the newly elected Viceroy of Quadrant 17, Zane Satordi. He was young about late 30s and quite handsome. He projected an air of dignity, charisma. He had a reputation for being ruthless when needed and for being merciful when it was convenient. A consummate politician. Satordi would be interesting prey.
Constance sat in the circle of her fellow sisters listening to one of their care taker's read to them boring poetry. Constance excused herself to take a walk in the garden. The hedges created an elegant maze that was straight out of fairytales from their ancient home world Earth. Constance often heard stories about Earth from her father. Being the fifth girl of 8 sisters on a farm in Mira didn't hold much prospect. The only way to support her family was to be sold to the House of Hedone. Now she was 19 and ready to find a patron. Constance had delicate features but coarse hands. No matter how many creams she applied she would always have the hands of farmer's daughter. She had long chestnut hair with stunning green eyes like emeralds. Constance looked up at the sky to see the planet Mira orbited. Pyroeis rested on the horizon looking very much like holograms she saw of Earth in the Public Archives.
"Beautiful isn't it?" Constance turned around to see a tall handsome man that looked very familiar. "What our ancestors must have thought when they left Earth to come here after 300 years in space. You ever been to Pyroeis?"
"No," Constance gave a short answer. She wasn't allowed to be unchaperoned. No telling who could sneak in and take the few girls here. "I always dreamed of going though, Viceroy." Now she remembered.
Viceroy Zane Satordi gave a reverent bow. "I see my reputation proceeds me."
"Viceroy Seneca was a great patron of many organizations," Constance allowed herself to admire this new Viceroy's handsome features. Bright blue eyes, perfectly combed dark hair and a sparkling smile. Very neat and organized in appearance. Of course Constance had only ever known farm boys who were always dirty and scruffy in appearance.
"He will surely be missed," Satordi mourned. "I admired him greatly he was good mentor."
"Yes you have some pretty big shoes to fill," Constance agreed with some bitterness. Satordi sensed this, "I'm sorry where are my manners? I didn't catch your name, dear lady..."
"Because I didn't give it," Constance flashed a coy smile. She never used to flirt but she had an imperious nature as well as being a pragmatist. No one ever gave her anything so she used whatever she had to get her way even as a child. Satordi raised an eyebrow. Usually everyone paid proper respect to him but this girl was bold. She must have been a farmer's daughter but such an air of maturity. Satordi found her intriguing.
"Well it seems you have me at a disadvantage then," Satordi suggested.
"I really shouldn't be here by myself. Students are supposed to be chaperoned at all times," Constance revealed truthfully.
"And yet here you are without an escort," Satordi's eyes searched for any hint of weakness but found that the lady would not be intimidated.
"I can take care of myself," Constance spoke quietly.
"I would be loathe to leave your side since," Satordi looked around, "there's no one close to be your chaperone."
"I hope you won't take that as an advantage," Constance warned. Growing up on a farm she wasn't one to take anything lying down.
"Heavens no," Satordi laughed quite amused by the girl's spirit. "but I wouldn't be a gentleman if I left you to be attacked by brutes."
Constance came a bit closer, shrinking the distance between them but not too close to give the impression of someone quick to give it all away. "I suppose we can talk more and maybe you can weasel my name out of me."
Satordi smiled broadly. He loved a challenge. The two weren't that far from the house but they took their sweet time getting there.
"How long have you been a student here, lady?" Satordi began.
"Since I was 8," Constance motioned for the Viceroy to follow her so they could walk side by side.
"Farmer's daughter I assume."
"What else?" Constance shrugged. "My father has too many daughters and no sons. So he figured my best chance was to offer me a better life."
"Through whoredom?" Satordi asked incredulously. Ah so he was one of the voices against keeping the courtesan training houses open.
"Are you calling me a whore?" Constance was slightly offended.
"What I mean is for a man to sell his daughter into virtual slavery is abhorrent." Satordi seemed genuine but he also seemed to be trying to get a rise out of her. Constance played it cool.
"One would say the same about marriage or even the miners of Quadrant 5 who aren't being paid fairly enough for such long hours," Constance countered with some political know how.
"You seem quite interested in politics," Satordi marveled.
"Being from a poor family and working since I could walk I can relate," Constance reasoned. "Besides what else can a woman of the lower classes do but sell whatever talent she was blessed with."
"So you're a working class woman? I can appreciate pragmatism in a woman," Satordi took the time admire this girl's physical attractiveness along with her quick wit. She had lustrous brown hair cascading in curls. Most of the women he knew had their hairs rolled tight in high buns but this girl seemed more natural. Her almond shaped eye were like two perfect emeralds. He began to wonder what it would be like to run his fingers through her hair...
"What else do you appreciate in a woman, Viceroy?" Constance stopped looking up at Satordi with deep intensity that made the Viceroy's breath catch in his throat.
"Tell me your name and I'll tell you," Satordi proposed.
Constance smiled. Her black lashes sweeping down then up like little butterflies. Before she could answer someone did it for her, "Constance!"
Constance turned to see one of her care takers fuming, her hands on her hips looking at her with dark eyes of discontent.
"Constance?" Satordi made sure to commit that name to memory. "Looks like you've been caught."
"It appears so," Constance mourned. "I have to go or Reyes will beat me with a switch again." Constance gave a short bow. Satordi wanted to make her stay but propriety reared its annoying head. He didn't want to seem over eager but he definitely wanted to see more of this Constance.
If you would like for me to continue this story just make a request in the comments and I will publish another chapter next week.
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Literotica Post: Nap Time Interlude
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