Friday, September 11, 2015
This Woman's Work: Part 3
This blog is for me that others may read. I spend at least an hour on each prompt then go back and edit it then post it. If I come back to it I come back to it but if I don't then oh well. I have so many stories in my head and get depressed if I don't write something so this is more therapy for me. Enjoy!
I was asked to continue this story. If you enjoy the story all you have to do is ask me! I find it helps to keep my interest in something if people enjoy what I write.
Writing Prompts to use:
1. "Life isn't all rainbows and butterflies, you know."
2. Forget him and the little world he lives in.
Forget him and the little world he lives in. Constance's mind was still filled with thoughts of Ion. That nuisance of a boy. He was a man who lived in a fantasy world where women were defenseless creatures in need of saving and that everyone had a choice to be good. A nice bath would help her focus again as her thoughts had become butterflies flitting this way and that. Constance let her mind drift she poured sweet scented oils on her hair. The baths of the House of Hedone were a place the girls could gossip while relaxing. It was the only time they could without the watchful gaze of their Matron Euphemia or her spies. The room was built in the old Turkish Bath style. It was like a harem from the Old Testament of the old institution of Christianity before the new more repressed ideology of the Army of Light. The sand colored marble room echoed with the girls' chatter and giggles. Wet with steam that crawled around the room filling their lungs and glazing their flesh.
"So anyway, Constance, what do you think?"
Constance blinked. She wasn't paying that much attention.
"I'm sorry what were you saying, Laila?" Constance asked.
"Constance daydreaming?" marveled Aurelia in disbelief. "Seems most unusual..."
"Perhaps her mind was on something else...," teased Laila. "Someone else?"
"Why would you say that?" Constance's insides clenched. Damn it why couldn't Ion be more careful?
"I saw you," Laila accused, "walking and talking with the new Viceroy of Quadrant 17."
Constance let herself breathe, her body releasing steam like the hot vapors that lingered in the room. Of course they would know about that. Nothing was kept secret for long in Hedone though it was still a surprise to Constance that no one talked about her and Ion. Perhaps the girls suspected but they never dared mentioned it outright.
"Walking alone with a potential patron?" Aurelia rung her golden hair to get out the excess water and scented oils as she eyed Constance suspiciously. "Scandalous," she crowed with disapproval. Aurelia's sun kissed skin glimmered from her sweat. Constance often envied Aurelia's skin. Compared to Aurelia Constance was a ghost. But Aurelia often envied Constance as well. However, she would never admit it.
"Since you were spying I wasn't really alone then was I?" Constance fired back, leaning forward as if ready to do physical combat. Aurelia shot her rival with eyes full of daggers.
"If we know then Lady Euphemia knows and perhaps she'll expel you," Aurelia countered acidly.
"Or maybe I'll just rip out your tongue like rival courtesans did in the old days," Constance threatened.
"You can try!" Aurelia offered angrily.
"Stop it, Aurelia," Laila interrupted loudly. The echoes of discord dying away immediately. "I want to hear what happened. The Viceroy is handsome. Rare in a politician." Laila was such a girl as one may say. She was only 17 after all. She was dark in complexion like coffee, long jet black hair, and indigo almond shaped eyes. She was of small frame, willowy unlike Aurelia and Constance who have more curves.
Constance leaned back, her muscles releasing tension once more. Aurelia conceded as well. She also was curious about the Viceroy.
"Well...," Constance sighed. "He came off as arrogant to me."
"Most politicians are," Laila shrugged. "But I notice he has a fine ass. Nice lips too..."
"Careful, Laila," Aurelia warned. "Or are you challenging your older sister for her potential patron?" Laila shrugged. She and Constance exchanged amused glances. "You haven't even graduated yet anyway, Laila," Constance reminded the girl.
"Next year I will," Laila sighed wishing next year would come sooner.
"You shouldn't be so impatient," Constance became sober. "Enjoy being a real woman while you can." On this Aurelia agreed with Constance. The graduation to Courtesan-In-Waiting wasn't as big an accomplishment as many country girls would think.
"Maybe... but to be the mistress of such an important man like Zane Satordi," Laila let herself daydream of being chosen by someone as prestigious as the young Viceroy. Every farm girl on Mira dreamed the same.
Viceroy Zane Satordi was from the highest caste with a fine lineage going back to the first founders and colonists of Pyroeis. He was friends with many higher ups. He climbed the political ladder quickly but some would say he did so through bribery and secret assassinations. Some said he had a whole network of assassins waiting in the shadows to deal with people that were in his way.
"You should be careful, Constance," Aurelia spoke softly. "Times aren't what they used to be. Satordi is your only life line..."
Constance didn't respond but she did nod in thanks. Sometimes Aurelia was a rival but they were still by all accounts sisters within these walls.
"I'm going for a steam," Constance ended the conversation. A steam would clear her head more.
Right across the bath house Euphemia had set up the Viceroy's guest rooms. Ion was right about Euphemia trying to use Constance as bait for the Viceroy.
"These are our best rooms," Euphemia boasted. The Viceroy studied the room with all the attention of a perfectionist as he looked for dust or anything that seemed out of place. He ran a gloved finger over a polished ivory statue of a half naked woman bathing, a jug of water on her shoulder, dripping imaginary water over her voluptuous form.
"Roman?" Satordi asked.
"Yes," Euphemia nodded impressed with the Viceroy's knowledge of old Earth art. "Most would find it lewd."
"Yes people find such pieces to be immoral and...," Satordi trailed off when his eye caught Constance's half naked form in the bath house. She was wrapped in white linen which clung to her body like a second skin. Her back was to him when she removed the wrap from her body to find a towel to dry herself off. Euphemia smiled. Constance usually took a steam in late afternoon. She was right on time.
"Immoral and what else?" Euphemia prompted Satordi to finish. The Viceroy suddenly realized where he was and quickly stated, "Just something that would tempt the mind towards sin."
"Now there's no harm in sinful thoughts," Euphemia came to the curious Viceroy's side.
"Most would disagree," Satordi reasoned trying and failing to keep his gaze away from Constance's glistening form. Satordi focused his attention on the Matron hoping to regain his composure.
"Well," Euphemia gently pushed Satordi's face back to Constance, "you need not worry, Mr. Viceroy. We do not judge here. All sins are forgiven whether they be thoughts or actions..."
Satordi was usually a sober man but he allowed himself to be hypnotized by these sirens of Hedone. They were living up to their reputation.
Euphemia left Satordi in his rooms. He felt like a peeping Tom watching a woman in her nakedness. Every fiber of propriety told him to turn away but her manner from this morning and now her body began to occupy his thoughts even more. She finally left after one hour yet though she was gone Constance was still before Satordi's eyes, taunting him with those two shimmering emeralds so full of haughtiness and joy.
Suddenly he was knocked out of his reverie when one of his cadets tapped him on the shoulder.
"Sir, a man told me to give you this note," the young man said holding out the folded piece of cream colored paper.
"Who's it from," Satordi cleared his throat that was suddenly dry.
"He just said he was a brother in arms," shrugged the cadet innocently. Satordi cursed under his breath. They wouldn't dare be so bold as to contact him now? Then again religious fanatics lacked common sense.
Satordi told the cadet to leave and to tell no one of the note. The now agitated Viceroy read the paper, memorized the contents then promptly burned it.
Finn waited in the coolness of the wine cellar. Mira was always so warm it was nice to have some shade. He chewed on the mint plant he liked to take his mind off the waiting as well as to calm his nerves. He used to be a smoker until he joined the Army of Light that showed him a better more healthier way of living. Finn savored the juices. Finn heard the shuffling of foot steps, the familiar heavy step of the Viceroy's leather boots.
"Hello, Viceroy," Finn mused. "Enjoying your accommodations?"
"What do you want?" Satordi's nostrils flared whenever he was annoyed. "You aren't suppose to be contacting me at all. After the old Viceroy's death we agreed to suspend our communications for a while."
"Our spy here contacted us and wants us to move ahead with our plans," explained Finn simply.
"Now?" Satordi was exasperated. "It's too soon!"
"A revolution doesn't happen on any schedule, Satordi."
"We agreed on a timeline," Satordi took a deep breath trying hard not to raise his voice and draw attention from upstairs.
"Things change," Finn shrugged as he spit out his mint chew. "Not wavering are you, Viceroy? We did help you get into office after all."
Satordi's nostrils flared again while his dark eyes grew darker. He took a deep breath and asked, "Why the sudden change?"
Finn shrugged, "Our spy here is concerned for a girl's well being. He wants to get her out of here before the Whore Pusher can sell her to her new owner."
"We're risking this for a boy in love?" Satordi snorted. "Absurd." Finn grew quiet.
"I hear you have a nice view of the baths," Finn continued. "Enjoying it? I hear it's lovely."
Satordi's mouth grew thin with tension, his nostrils flaring once more.
"You zealots are so sure of what you'll gain in the after life," Satordi spoke low. "Maybe I should send some of you there early. Wipe you all out. Many would be very grateful to me for getting rid of you. I have the power."
Finn and Satordi stared each other down. Finn finally relented with a carefree smile.
"If only you had such passion for God, Viceroy," Finn mocked. "But I'll speak with the Commander. You'll get our decision tonight after dinner."
Constance was making her way to her rooms when she was stopped by Ion.
"Really, Ion?" Constance groaned. She was growing tired of his persistence.
"I need to talk to you, Constance," Ion spoke with more authority this time. He was different somehow.
"What's wrong," Constance actually became concerned, more about what had Ion so distressed than what wagging tongues may share. She touched his arm, the arm with the mark of the Army of Light that he always disguised with makeup. Ion took hold of Constance's shoulders and spoke in low tones, "I need to get you out of here tonight."
"Lady Euphemia is trying to bribe that new Viceroy by using you," Ion explained frantically. Constance released Ion, rolling her eyes.
"Ion...," she sighed as she messaged her temples that were becoming sore from hearing Ion's jealous rages and religious rants. "I know."
"You know?" Ion's nose wrinkled as if it had caught a whiff of a bad smell.
"Euphemia told me that he was coming though I expected to meet him with her present and not by myself in the garden," Constance remembered confronting Euphemia about it but she said it was all a part of the plan.
"And you're going along with this?" asked Ion incredulously. His outrage echoing in the marble halls. Constance gestured for Ion to keep his voice down.
"If I don't then he may just close down the training house," Constance tried to explain.
"Good!" Ion held Constance's face in his hands. "Then you and I can get away from here."
"If I give up then these girls will have no where else to go," Constance reasoned. "I can't do that to my sisters." Ion's face never looked more dejected.
"So you're just going to sacrifice yourself like some lamb on the altar?" Ion spoke so sadly making Constance want to cry.
"Life isn't all rainbows and butterflies, you know," Constance didn't want Ion to see her tears so she wriggled out of his grip only to see Lady Euphemia standing there watching them. Her usually plump pink lips now a thin vexing line. Eyes sparked with envy.
"My lady," Constance bowed low in respect. Euphemia only narrowed her eyes at the pretty young girl.
"Inside," Euphemia ordered Constance. Constance obeyed without hesitation as she escaped into her bedroom. Euphemia gave Ion a burning look that threatened to turn him to ash by the mere intensity. Ion said nothing only bowed low to his mistress. Without a word Euphemia entered Constance's bedroom then slammed the door.
"You do well to keep your mind on seducing one man at a time, child," Euphemia advised though it sounded more like a threat. Euphemia's sharp accusing eyes were trying to penetrate her very soul.
"Not sure what you mean, Madam," Constance kept her gaze averted instead concentrated on the flower patterns in her red rug. Euphemia forced Constance's chin up so that they could look each other in the eyes.
"If you're going to lie at least do a better job of it," Euphemia spoke low. "Being a courtesan means you have to make men believe that they're the only ones who matter; in fact they're the only ones who exist. Lying is a woman's greatest defense. It's how women like us survive."
"Yes, Madam," Constance wouldn't allow herself to be consumed by Euphemia's smoldering gaze that caused many girls at Hedone to crumble. Filled with a renewed sense of duty Constance straightened her spine and held herself steady. Euphemia's mouth curved in a bit of a smile. She couldn't help but be a little impressed with Constance. When it came down to it the girl will do the practical thing. Euphemia released her charge then said, "The Viceroy wants to see you. Alone. Now."
Constance nodded, pushing Ion out of mind completely.
Satordi sat in his rooms contemplating out the window. The events of the day racing through his mind like meteors burning through the atmosphere. He needed some relief. Constance's green eyes and curvy form glistening with sweat made him salivate. This new wave of religion and reform caused everyone around him to become dull and suppressed. The women he knew wore their hair in tight buns and wore straight laced clothes showing no skin except for their faces. Satordi was a man of culture and yet he allied himself with such strict religious people. It was a marriage of convenience. Today Viceroy of the Quadrant 17 tomorrow Chancellor of all the Quads.
"Mr. Viceroy?" Satordi's cadet opened the door. "You asked to see..." Constance breezed past the sheepish cadet who was shocked by the lady's boldness. Satordi couldn't help but smile.
"You asked to see me?" Constance looked a bit peeved. Satordi dismissed his dumbfounded cadet leaving him and Constance alone.
"You seem distressed, My Lady," Satordi pointed out curiously. Constance held her head high looking down on him as if he were the servant and she the noble mistress.
"Only annoyed," Constance spoke coolly.
"I'm not one of your timid cadets that you can just summon whenever you please," Constance explained.
"My cadets do seem a bit sheepish don't they," Satordi commented. "So many are from noble families but they come with future favors."
Constance seemed slightly amused but said, "I told you that me being alone with you is most unseemly for me."
"I would think as a woman being trained to be a man's companion you would want to practice," Satordi offered Constance a seat. "If you want to attract a patron you'll have to get used to being alone with him." Constance narrowed her eyes at the seat the Viceroy offered but instead sat down on the lounge couch composed regally. Satordi conceded and sat beside her on her right side. It was hard for Constance to keep a safe distance this time given that the couch was so small.
"You shouldn't sit so close if you're going to sit here," Constance warned but she couldn't hide the smile on her face at his challenge.
"Do I frighten you?" Satordi spoke softly. His knee was close enough to hers for them to touch but they didn't. The anticipation was building within him. Constance's loose hair was draped over her back reminding Satordi of a silk veil. A few stray strands were draped over her right shoulder.
"No," Constance spoke short. Satordi then moved a strand of hair from Constance's shoulder so that he could admire her exposed skin. His finger brushed against her flesh, soft like a rose petal and her scent was just as sweet.
"The women from my caste are always covered like nuns," Satordi seemed mesmerized by Constance's flesh.
"It's quite warm on Mira. Covering oneself from head to toe wouldn't be a good idea," Constance allowed him to lightly touch her shoulder with his thumb as he kept the rest of his hand hovering, holding back her dark strands. Satordi's lips parted. He wanted so much to kiss her shoulder. To taste her skin.
"Viceroy...," Constance called for his attention. "You're touching me." Satordi snapped out of his reverie seeing Constance's gaze of amused yet scolding emerald eyes. Satordi relented.
"Do you enjoy taunting men or do I just amuse you," Satordi spoke in a wounded tone.
"I told you the rules," Constance scolded gently. She made a move to leave but Satordi took hold of her waist, forcing her to stay seated. He drew her closer so that now their thighs were touching. Satordi leaned in breathing the same air. Something had come over him that he never felt before. Perhaps it was being surrounded by repression, rules, and dealing with the Army of Light's errand boy that made him more determined to win at least this fight.
"Let go," Constance ordered still keeping her voice steady. Satordi considered forcing her to kiss him.
"I'm the Viceroy," Satordi stated. "I'm a direct man. When I find something I like I take it." Satordi flew in for a kiss but Constance slapped him hard across the face and kicked him hard in the leg. Satordi released the lady to nurse the sudden pain in his leg and on his face. Constance immediately put 4 feet between her and the Viceroy.
"You forget yourself, sir," Constance reminded him. "Perhaps you're just tired and need to rest." Satordi looked up at Constance's stern face. She looked even more stunning when angry. "I'll see you at dinner then." And with that Constance left him; the feeling of her satin flesh still fresh on his cheek and finger tips. He smiled to himself and even let out a chuckle. The hunt was still on.
If you would like for me to continue this story then please make your request in the comments. Thank You!
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Literotica Post: Nap Time Interlude
I sent this to Literotica. I have other projects in the works that I hope to have done soon. Right now I'm working on some old stuff ...

Because of a special request I continued with this story. If you would like to know what happens next just post a comment. Writing P...
This blog is for me that others may read. I spend at least an hour on each prompt then go back and edit it then post it. If I ...
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