Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Writing Prompt: The Stolen One
This blog is for me that others may read. I spend at least an hour on each prompt then go back and edit it then post it. If I come back to it I come back to it but if I don't then oh well. I have so many stories in my head and get depressed if I don't write something so this is more therapy for me. Enjoy!
Writing Prompt:
Having vanished into the forest seven years before, she emerges covered in moss, her head still filled with fairy secrets and whispers.
Alice stumbled through the mist, her heart pounding so hard she thought it would explode out of her chest. The adrenaline from her terror was all that was keeping her from collapsing. She knew that if she stopped then it would catch her... She heard it's purring growl and thought she smelled it's foul breath of rotten eggs and burning hair. Alice could see up ahead the edge of the mist. She could see an asphalt road. She dared not look back. She thought if she did then she would be truly lost. Alice felt the beast's hot breath on her neck. She made one last lunge before the creature could sink it's teeth into her. She fell hands and knees first out of the mist and into the road.
Alice crawled further away from the mist getting clear of it's smoky grasp. Finally she turned over and saw that the beast was gone. The echo of it's growls dissolving into the mist. Her blood sang. Her head rang with incoherent whispers. After she settled down, the adrenaline receded and the pain suddenly washed over her like a crashing wave. Alice looked down to see that she was wearing a white dress like something from a Renaissance Fair, soiled from dirt and blood and green from the moss that covered most of her. Then she saw her skimmed knees and elbows blackened and red. She felt a searing pain on her right forearm. Just below her Triskelion tattoo was a branding of a circle with horns. Her memories were jumbled. She didn't know where she was or why she was running but the fear was still there. Instinct told Alice to get as far away from the mist as possible. So she climbed to her knees though it hurt to do so then followed the black road north. At least she hoped it was north...
Alice walked along the road. The whispers becoming smaller turning into an irritating ringing in her ears. She had brushed some of the moss that covered her body. She tried to remember where she had been. All she remembered was being on a camping trip with a few friends. Where were her friends? It felt like yesterday since she had last seen them. It felt like 3 days... The ringing was still making her thoughts fuzzy though the further she got from the forest and into the open country side the clearer things became. Alice went on a camping trip to England with Rick and Hayley. They were camping in the woods where strange lights and mysterious whispers were reported by eye witnesses. They were all paranormal junkies. Just 3 Americans on a monster hunt. There had been some strange happenings going on in Cornwall. One night Alice heard some strange noises coming from the forest. She saw lights and a mist. She heard strange voices similar to the ones she was hearing now. Then Alice saw a silhouette that looked like a grown man walking into the mist. She didn't know what possessed her to follow him but before she knew it Alice was half way into the mist following the man and the lights. Next thing was a blur then Alice was stumbling through the fog and made it to the road.
Shaking Alice from her lost reverie was a car that drove up next to her. A man peered out the window and called to her, "Oiy, miss, what are you doin' out ere?" Alice turned to see a graying wrinkled man with a cap on his head. His sheep dog was in the passenger seat. It barked at Alice as if she were a dangerous creature.
"Shut it, Saxon," the man ordered. The dog quieted down beginning to whine. "You'd think he'd seen a ghost. Ya lost, miss?"
"I think I am...," Alice spoke in a daze. It was then the man noticed Alice's bloody knees and elbows.
"American?" he noticed. "Looks like you need some 'elp, Love," the old man said. "Climb in I'll get ya to the station. See if they can help ya."
They gave Alice a blanket to wrap herself in and some tea. As soon as she sat down she felt ice cold. It was in the middle of summer. Alice was also very quiet. She seemed to have lost her voice the minute she got into the old shepherd's car. Saxon grew quiet as well. He tried to keep a safe distance from Alice.
Alice was definitely in trouble when she saw the year on the calendar in the police station. It read July 2015. That couldn't have been the right date! Last she remembered it was July 2008! She dropped her tea. The crash made everyone stop working to see what caused the commotion. A soft spoken officer came to help clean up the mess, sitting Alice down gently.
"That can't be the year...," Alice whispered.
"She finally speaks," the officer smiled. Alice felt even colder. She flinched at the officer's attempt to pat her on the back to calm her. It suddenly felt like everything was heightened. Alice was aware of every staple, every turn of the door knob and every foot step within a distance. She took refuge huddled up in the corner. "It's alright. You're safe," the officer soothed. But Alice wasn't so assured of her safety. The danger still felt all too near. The inspector came with a file in his hands. He was stern faced with dark eyes. A man who has seen man's darker nature. He introduced himself as Inspector Murdoch.
"You didn't have any ID on you but we hit something on Missing Persons," despite his rough exterior Murdoch spoke gently. "You're name is Alice Whitethorn. You're an American who came here with Rick Jameson and a Hayley Yates. Your friends reported you missing 7 years ago. Do you remember what happened the day you went missing?"
"No...," Alice's eyes filled with hot tears. The shock beginning to subside. She didn't feel entirely safe in this place. Believing she needed more time, Murdoch said that he would get her a cot and allow her to get some rest. Alice attempted sleep but her dreams were filled with dancing shadows. Malevolent creatures with dark intent but mesmerizing in their movements Alice was helpless to resist. She dreamed of a black cat-like creature staring at her with sharp green black slitted eyes as if she were it's next meal. Then the man but he was wearing a mask of a stag skull with horns growing out of it like wild branches. The whispers returned even louder than before.
Alice woke with a start. She looked around to see that she was still in the police station but she thought she was still trapped in the nightmare when she saw the same man with the stag skull mask standing outside the door staring at her with his hollow black eyes. Alice's mouth opened but no sound came out. Her voice stolen somehow. The creature raised a finger to her, beckoning it seemed. Alice felt her brand sear as if a hot iron was being freshly put on her skin at that very moment. From the pain Alice found her voice and screamed at the top of her lungs bringing Inspector Murdoch and another officer to her.
"Don't let him take me!" Alice pleaded. She buried herself in the Inspector's chest. Murdoch looked around but didn't see anyone. Alice watched with terror as the masked man lingered then vanish into the air as if he were never there.
"Call a doctor," Murdoch ordered the officer with him. "It's alright. You're safe now." Yet Alice didn't take comfort in the officer's assurances. She was marked. She may not remember what happened the past 7 years but she knew to fear this creature that was hunting her now.
If you would like to see what happens next make a request in the comment section! Happy Writing!
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