Part 3 of "In the Dragon's Keep". Been working on the last part for a few weeks.
Princess Freya slipped on a thin shift had crawled into bed beside Veles as he slept. He didn’t say a word but his body was close. Not close enough to touch but so close Freya could feel the heat of his skin on hers. The sound of his steady breathing somehow comforted her.
Then she rolled over to face him. Veles looked like a normal human when he slept. She pulled the wolf skin over herself as she began to shiver though she wasn’t cold. Freya watched the gentle rise and fall of his chest as he slept.
What did gods dream about? Freya didn’t really think gods slept. They’re gods. Veles stirred underneath his bear skin, his sleeping face turned towards her. A piece of his golden hair fell on his sleeping lids. On impulse Freya reached out, lightly touching his fair flesh to move the hair back into place.
That song… Was he the one watching her in the forest? Freya moved closer, her flesh lightly brushing against his. The dragon god looked so beautiful and peaceful. She wanted to kiss him… No. No. No. He was her captor.
Freya rolled over to face away from him but the temptation never abated. Suddenly she felt Veles encircle his arms around her shivering body. Her body froze then melted into him without qualm as her warrior instinct shouted for her to stab him.
The princess looked over to where the black shaving blade was. Too far away. Was Veles a light sleeper? She could test that theory but Freya’s body was already protesting, not wanting to escape the warmth that enveloped her in the dragon’s embrace.
Freya felt Veles’s breath on her neck, goose bumps erupting even under her collar. Not tonight then. Tomorrow perhaps. Then the princess drifted off to sleep trying to formulate a plan in her dreams…
Freya had restless dreams of dragons and thunder storms followed by raw physical pleasure with fingers and tongues touching every inch of her sensitive flesh, reaching unknown places deep inside of her. Her whole body was enflamed with a passion she didn’t understand.
As sleep began to recede from her body like the tides of the river bed, Freya felt her movements a bit constricted. The princess’s eyes fluttered open to find herself not in her underworld chamber. She woke up with the warm golden sun on her face.
She cringed at the light. It felt like she had been trapped in darkness for years. Freya tried to shield her eyes but her wrists were bound by long leather thongs and her ankles as well. Freya sat up as best she could only to see Veles with a goblet of wine watching her with his smug dragon grin and mischievous blue eyes.
He wasn’t wearing anything except a sheet tied tightly around his waist, covering his manhood that the princess could see as a bulge. Freya flushed at the sight of the god’s marbled muscles. Indignity and lust were bittersweet on her tongue.
“Good morning, Princess Freya,” he said as he made his way around the ornate bed to the night stand where he had left a full plate of food.
“Where are we now?” Freya demanded.
Freya looked around to find herself in a royal bed chamber just like her parents but everywhere were locked black chests. There was a rectangular table filled once more with fresh foods.
“I thought you would like a change of scenery.”
Freya settled back down on the soft bear pelt, her hair a waterfall of gold on the wolf skin pillows filled with goose down, her blue eyes still full of daring and defiance. Veles’s eyes rested on Freya’s fully exposed breasts, her nipples were tantalizingly erect. The dragon god licked his lips.
“This is my winter palace,” Veles explained as he took a black berry from the plate of food. “I did promise to take you to the surface.”
“In three days,” Freya reminded him. “Gods certainly are capricious.” Freya’s eyes searched then Veles chuckled.
“Sorry, Princess,” he said climbing onto the bed. “No knife within reach for you to try and cut yourself free or to threaten me with.”
“You’ve gotten to know me so well,” Freya spoke dryly her face contemptuous. “What do you intend to do to me now, Dragon God?”
Veles’s lips curved up revealing his gleaming white teeth. Without a word her took pieces of what smelled like pork and placed a few on her stomach then Freya felt his teeth graze her skin as the dragon devoured his breakfast off her firm stomach. It tickled and Freya had to press her lips together hard to hold in the giggles but her tremors gave her away making Veles smile into her dirty navel.
Veles then poured a bit of his spiced wine into Freya’s navel, washing away some of the meat. It was warmer than Freya expected making her twinge. The red wine pooled in the princess’s navel with some warm crimson streaks getting away staining her fair flesh.
Veles dived into the small pool then Freya felt his hot rough tongue lap and his lips suck at her skin. He smiled into her quivering abdomen. Veles smiled up at her with his devilish blue eyes then said, “I intend to eat my fill this morning.”
The Princess wanted to shout out the humiliation to be used as some table but the words never came. Freya’s heart kicked up speed as she watched Veles climb up her body greeting her with his sensual lip sucking kiss, the scent of wet earth and rain crawling into her nostrils and filling her lungs making her body relax unwillingly.
The taste of the spiced wine made Freya’s blood buzz. Her head in a morning mist as her muscles relaxed. Her inner thighs quivering. Her cunt beginning to drizzle and tingle.
Veles took another black berry then slowly, seductively traced the berry along the princess’s petulant lips. Freya could feel the plump berry, it’s smoothness tempting her to comply. Her lips parted allowing Veles to slip the berry into the tender interior of her mouth.
Automatically Freya’s lips enclosed around Veles’s finger. It was thick yet no callouses Freya discovered. As the black berry rested in her mouth Freya surprised herself by trailing her tongue along his finger, her lips sucking on it.
“Good princess…,” Veles whispered seductively but then in some fit of rebellion Freya’s teeth sank into the god’s flesh.
Veles growled as he freed his finger. Liquid gold, the blood of a god, painted his finger. The wound was small and healed almost immediately.
Freya tasted the sweetness of the berry mixed with the saltiness of the dragon’s blood on her tongue. It was delicious. She indulged in a delightful shudder as Veles’s divine handsome face went slightly red. Then desire twisted his wicked mouth.
“Naughty Princess,” Veles growled. He poured the rest of the warm spiced wine over her body. It cascaded over her apple firm breasts, her navel, then between her supple thighs.
The warmth was intoxicating. It were as if the liquid was seeping into the princess’s flesh making her muscles melt. Freya groaned despite herself.
Veles’s rough tongue was relentless as it navigated Freya’s quivering body, licking her clean of the sticky wine. It were as if the dragon’s tongue was really a flame as it skimmed over her labia stoking the fires within.
He kissed her tender flesh that saturated with her arousal. The princess bucked her hips, telling him what she desired most only to hear the dragon chuckle. Freya whimpered as Veles seemed to be whispering into the heart of her womanhood soothing nonsense as a man would whisper to a wild horse he is trying to break.
The dragon’s tongue encircled Freya’s already swollen pearl, so desperate was it for Veles’s attention. But ever the skilled torturer the dragon god left Freya’s smoldering loins to continue his journey northward.
The dragon’s expert tongue trailed along her abdomen in slow succession eliciting a few moans and curses from Freya. He stopped every so often to rest leaving hot kisses like scars on Freya’s ripe flesh.
Freya’s nerve endings seethed, awake and alert from the pulses of fire that surged through the princess’s mortal body. Wine glistened on her breasts in the morning light. Veles kissed the dark mole underneath her breast then popped her taut brown pebble into his sinful mouth.
Freya arched her back in a blissful moan as Veles sucked hard, almost taking her entire breast into his mouth. Her thighs tightened around Veles’s firm hips as the dragon licked and suckled her right breast clean.
Veles pulled back but not before nibbling hard on her now sensitive peak.
“Ah!” Freya cried out.
“Eye for an eye, Princess,” Veles remarked with a sinister grin before going to work on her left breast.
“You truly are evil,” Freya remarked but she was smiling. Why was she smiling? She could feel the hardness of his arousal pulsating against her own throbbing sex. She wanted more than anything to finally feel that smoldering rod sink into her tight virgin heat.
Veles took a piece of fish from the plate of food, “Eel. I hear it’s your favorite.”
“And who told you that?” Freya asked. The tune that she heard Veles hum and whistle came to mind. That familiar song that lead her out of darkness and into the light that day in the forest.
Veles only smiled as he placed the piece of eel into his mouth then took possession of her mouth. He devoured her mouth and part of the eel with deep sweeping strokes of his tongue. The taste of eel mingled with the taste of spiced wine and Freya’s own feminine juices.
Her body spasmed but the leather thongs restrained her movements. She couldn’t encircle Veles in an embrace let alone strangle the beast. Freya found it strange that she wanted to embrace this creature that was her captor.
That’s when she felt it. Freya felt the tip of Veles’s turgid shaft begin to dip between her pussy lips. Veles stopped kissing her to the princess’s dismay then whispered hotly, “Say you want it… Say you want me.”
“Why ask?” Freya whispered curiously. “Don’t gods just take what they want and damn the consequences?”
Veles’s blue eyes searched hers. Freya once more saw the loneliness deep within those heavenly blue depths. Before either of them could answer lightning split the sky. Grey storm clouds moved in blocking out the sun, disturbing the tranquility of the morning.
“Damn him!” Veles growled. Veles picked up a knife then cut one of Freya’s binds then left the knife beside her so that she could cut herself free. He leaped off the bed as if there was a fire he needed to put out, murderous intent contorted his handsome features as he ran his fingers through his golden locks.
“Wait! Where are you going?” Freya cried out, her passion was at its peak then suddenly the mood was ruined by some storm.
“Perun and I are often civil for the sake of the order of the cosmos, Princess,” Veles explained as he turned his back untying the sheet to reveal a round, firm, marble arse that Freya wanted to slap and grab. Heat crept into her face at the thought.
“But sometimes we get bored with civility and decide to fight every now and then,” Veles said smiling with fire in his eyes as he threw on his tunic. He snapped his fingers then in a clap of thunder he was clad in shining new armor. It gleamed with it’s own light mesmerizing the human princess with it’s magnificence.
“I’ll be back this evening,” he said claiming his long sword and round shield. The shield depicted a dragon wrapped around a willow tree, a tree sacred to the dragon god.
Freya cut herself free wrapping the bear skin around her sticky body as Veles came forward, placing his hands on either side of her, their faces intimately close.
“I do have one rule, Princess Freya,” Veles spoke low with a somber tone that she had not heard him use before. “Don’t open any of these chests without my permission.”
A tremor of fear went through Freya. She held the bear skin tighter around her yet it’s warm softness was of little comfort to her. Veles suddenly became light and mischievous again as he kissed Freya lightly on the cheek.
“Behave,” Veles whispered then like the wind disappeared. Freya felt heat trickling from her womanhood making her thighs humid and sticky. Her mouth compressed into a thin line of frustrated desire while a whirl wind of confusing emotions stormed inside her.
Freya first used the golden chamber pot then was amazed to find its contents disappear the moment she stood up. She touched the jewel on her collar and a golden bath tub full of warm water appeared.
Her skin was still alive with lust to her shame. The princess reached down between her legs thinking about the feel of the tip of Veles’s sword of desire trying to sheath into her private satin channel.
Instead of killing him Freya desired to hurt him. Tie the dragon up as he did her. Do the things to him and make him scream for mercy. Her restive fingers inflicted their frustration upon her pearl that was still swollen with erotic need.
Freya closed her eyes thinking about placing a collar about Veles’s neck, her breathing became ragged as she whimpered and moaned. She grinned at the thought. Veles on all fours, a collar about his neck and tied to the bed.
She imagined taking his powerful masculinity into her hands, now at her mercy. She wondered what it would feel like in the palm of her hands. Freya had watched her father and brother polish their metal swords and figured it was the same thing.
Freya had polished a sword she had “borrowed” from a castle guard. And she had polished her dagger many times. They were always clean and gleamed with her accomplishment.
Freya began to imagine teasing Veles with light but firm strokes. She could almost hear him groan like a wounded animal caught in a hunter’s trap. Hot pulses washed over Freya as her fingers pummeled her sweet tightness.
She was still hot from that morning and her body yearned for some fulfillment. Freya continued to think about what a dragon god would taste like. She imagined giving Veles’s thick staff a taunting lick. She would kiss the tip then suck on it but only for a bit. Just enough to get the dragon hot but not enough to satisfy his demands.
Freya smiled as she approached her climax, gasping as waves of pleasure crashed upon her. Her whole body slumped in the bath water as she listened to the rolling thunder outside.
A thought flickered in her mind about Veles fighting another god. Perun was his archenemy. The god of lightning and thunder. His symbol was the eagle and the oak tree was sacred to him.
Freya remembered seeing Perun’s ancient symbols carved in the beams of villagers’ houses to protect them from lightning striking them. Perun defeating Veles was often carved on stone and something shrunk within the princess.
But why? She should have no loyalty to her captor but as Freya slowly stepped out of the tub she began to wonder if she hated him so much then why couldn’t she stop thinking about him?
Freya touched the garnet stone set in the collar about her neck. Was she losing her resolve, she wondered as she dressed. She sat in front of a brass mirror as she combed out her long golden locks.
In the span of just a few days, Freya had been bound and defiled by the dragon’s tongue and fingers. She flushed at the memory. She thought less and less of escape from this monster every time Veles pleasured her. Was she really so weak?
Freya covered her face with her hands, feeling her face hot with lust and shame. She thought of the loneliness in Veles’s sky blue eyes, how they would soften and bore into her soul making her shiver with secret delight. Was it because it was the dragon god that had been her guardian in the forest all these years? Should that excuse him?
Her mind wandered to what was in those chests. Were they filled with riches? Silver, gold, jewels? Or something sinister such as Veles’s past consorts? The thought sent a cold shiver through Freya.
Suddenly in a flash of blue lightning that lit the whole room a shrieking eagle came flying in landing on a locked chest. It gave Freya a temporary fright but she was getting used to surprises when it came to the divine realm.
The brown eagle eyed her with curiosity with it’s two liquid gold eyes and hooked beak. It’s sharp black talons could have pierced the chest if it weren’t magical.
“Where did you come from, Eagle?” Freya said aloud. She held out her hand as the eagle pressed it’s feathery head to her palm. It’s golden brown feathers were as soft as goose down.
“Have you come to rescue me?” Freya mused. “Are you here to carry me away back home?”
The eagle responded by knocking it’s beak against the great lock of the chest it rested upon.
“As curious as I am to find out what is inside these locked chests,” Freya played with the heavy lock. “I don’t have a key.”
The eagle flapped it’s great wings then flew across the room landing upon the twisting tree bed frame. Freya never gave the bed a thorough look before but now as the eagle drew her attention to the detail she realized that the bed frame was carved to look like four weeping willow trees caressing the animal pelt covered bed.
It began to pick at the wood until Freya noticed for the first time the shape of a key. The key had blended so well with its background that Freya never noticed it.
The eagle took the key into it’s beak then dropped it on the bed. It landed with a soft thump and Freya retrieved it staring in wonder. The eagle made some crowing sounds of approval.
It seemed like the chest was calling to her now. Human curiosity was often the downfall of many heroes in the stories but Freya finally understood why they did it anyway. A chance to learn the secrets of the divine was too good to pass up.
The eagle’s golden eyes gleamed with some satisfaction as Freya knelt before the chest, sliding the key into the opening. An almost erotic thrill went through Freya as she bit her lip turning the key.
The chains quickly melted off the chest like water. Butterflies fluttered within Freya’s stomach as with caution she opened the chest.
Would she find treasure? Body parts? Or a weapon she could use against the dragon? Freya peered into the chest her eyes went wide then her petulant lips curved into one of satisfaction.
The eagle gave one final shriek that shook Freya to her core. Then it swiftly flew out the window like the wind of a storm. A plan began to formulate in Freya’s mind. Time to make Veles pay.
Shortly afterwards the evening was still a bit stormy. Freya lay in bed contemplating her plan. She wore a simple white chemise that was practically see through. Her nipples grazed against the fabric, stiffening from the sensation as she breathed steadily trying to calm her nerves.
Then Freya saw the flames from the great hearth grow brighter and hotter. The flames took some human form. They stepped out of the inferno and the flames singed out revealing Veles in his armor.
He pulled off his helmet to reveal his handsome face, his golden hair moved elegantly with each shake of his head.
“Well that was a waste,” Veles grumbled, his blue eyes like two icicles.
“I take it Perun wasn’t up for a chase,” Freya sighed.
“It was a ruse,” Veles watched her with hungry eyes as he slipped off his armor.
Freya touched her collar, “All you gods love to play games.”
“How else should one pass the time when one has eternity?” Veles shrugged as he stripped down to his tunic.
“Steal brides I suppose,” Freya pulled her chemise back to reveal her enticing leg.
Veles’s eyes glittered with desire as he brushed his fingers along Freya’s smooth fair shin. He bent over, taking hold of her calf he pressed a hot kiss to her leg.
Freya felt her cunt become damp with excitement. But she needed to be strong. As Veles crawled forward she opened her thighs and stretched on her back, her body becoming more receptive to Veles’s advances.
“You seem less rebellious, Princess,” Veles kissed her thigh then bit her hard enough to leave a red mark. Freya spasmed at the sudden pain.
“I find that quite suspicious,” Veles became more cautious though his hands and mouth still explored his captive bride’s thighs, grazing his fingers along her moist sex. “Have you been a bad girl today?”
He sounded hopeful. Freya swallowed, down casting her steely blue eyes that hid demurely under dark lashes, she bit her lip as she pulled at the strings of her chemise revealing the curve of her bosom.
“I did do something…,” she said sounding contrite.
“Do I need to teach you a lesson?” Veles gave Freya’s hot wet cunt a long lick as he watched her with lustful eyes.
Freya nodded as she let out a small whimper.
“What did you do then?” Veles placed his mouth at the base of her thigh, his teeth grazed across her sensitive flesh giving Freya warm shivers. She needed to focus.
“I don’t want to say it aloud,” she said flushing. “But… I was in the bath…”
Veles’s face sparked with intrigue. He remembered the last time Freya was in the bath.
“Go on…,” Veles dipped his finger between her wet pink folds messaging her inner labia eliciting a groan from Freya’s plump lips.
“I can’t…,” Freya insisted then bit her lip to prevent the truth, the real truth from escaping her mouth. “I would need to whisper it. It’s too embarrassing…”
Veles crawled upward, a house cat going in for the kill once it had cornered a mouse. They came face to face as Freya lay flat on her back, her hand reaching beneath the pillow.
Freya looked so appetizing with one of her plump apple round breasts peaking from her chemise, her legs spread wide ready to receive him, her yellow hair a pool of gold on the wolf skinned pillow.
Veles felt himself grow iron hard. He lowered himself down, pressing his muscular body against her light frame, he felt with excitement Freya’s plump lips pressed to his ear. He felt her leg wrap around his waist rubbing against his arse as she whispered, “I got you.”
Like lightning Freya pulled out a collar from underneath her pillow then strapped it around Veles’s neck. He growled in frustration as Freya then quickly rolled off the bed. In her hands were a long silver chain just like the one the dragon had used on her and the chain was attached to the metal collar.
Veles felt his power diminish, drained giving him no more strength than a common human farmer. He collapsed onto the stone floor to his knees crying out, “You bitch!”
“The only bitch I see here is you, Veles,” Freya spoke in triumph, her chin held high looking very much the princess that she was raised to be.
Freya tugged on the chain forcing Veles to bow. She stood before him, inches away. Once more they were caught in a dangerous dance. Both stubborn warriors but this time Freya held the advantage.
Veles looked up to see his new mistresses smiling cruelly down at him. He heaved a heavy sigh, “So what now, Princess?” But the dragon’s ardor did not cool. His cock was still iron hard, throbbing with lust for this woman who now had him on a leash.
Princess Freya leaned forward then said with a wicked glint in her steely blue eyes, “Let’s see how you like getting tortured.”
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Literotica Post: Nap Time Interlude
I sent this to Literotica. I have other projects in the works that I hope to have done soon. Right now I'm working on some old stuff ...

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