Check out my other works on on my handle ErosinaScarlett!
* * * * * * * * *
A flush of shameful red spread over her cheeks. Cynthia gazed at the handsome man asleep in the clear box on her doorstep.
“What do you think?” Anne grinned. Her indigo eyes glittering with excitement.
“You bought me…,” Cynthia tucked her golden hair behind her ear nervously as she circled the box. “You bought me a sex-droid.”
“You said if you were still a virgin by the time you were 31 to just get you a sex-droid and get it done,” Anne shrugged with pursed lips.
“That was in college,” Cynthia admonished her best friend. “I was drunk from that party.”
Cynthia spent most of the night with her head in the toilet after too much rum and Anne held her hair the whole time. Cynthia looked to see that the bot wasn’t wearing any pants, his long, fat cock for all to see. Her clit throbbed at the sight. She bit her bottom lip as her imagination ran wild.
“I was going to get you one that looked like a celebrity but that was out of my price range,” Anne said.
“This is ridiculous,” Cynthia’s pink flush deepened as she imagined what it would be like to have that monster cock inside of her. Shame and desire mingled in her hot throat. She was a full grown woman and yet she had butterflies in her stomach like a giddy high school girl staring at a boy band crush on a poster on her wall.
Cynthia ran her fingers through her dark blond hair. She was always confident in her advertising career and a planner for everything but when it came to dating and boyfriends Cynthia could never seal the deal. Something always went wrong or it was the wrong guy.
“No,” Cynthia choked.
“Just try it, Cyn,” Anne rolled her eyes.
“Every time I take you to a party you don’t want to go but then when you go you end up having fun,” Anne placed her hands on her hips reprimanding her best friend as if she were her mother.
“Losing my virginity to a sex-droid is not the same as going to a party,” Cynthia frowned.
“Fine,” Anne threw up her hands. “I’ll return him. But don’t come crying to me when you’re 40 and still a virgin.”
All this virgin shaming was giving Cynthia a headache. She needed a shower to cool down, her skin was burning up as a lusty feeling of warmth stole over her looking at the muscular, olive skinned android with the impressive cock.
* * * * * * * *
Cynthia turned on the icy water. Her pussy was on fire. Her whole body quivered. She needed a release. Stress at work was getting to her. The new Coca-Cola account for Green Slime Coke was big business for her ad firm.
She was washing her dark blonde hair with orange blossom shampoo and conditioner when she heard a door shut. Hopefully that was Anne leaving with the sex-droid. Cynthia began to hum a tune to help drown out the thrum in her body.
Cynthia’s hands wandered down to the juncture of her round thighs. That sex-droid really was hot though. He wasn’t too bulky. His skin was tan. He reminded her of a surfer she saw in a porno once. Cynthia’s finger slowly encircled her rosebud making it stiffen to life. Her petals became hot and slippery as she stroked herself.
She began humming to herself as her body grew tingly and hot. She hummed so loudly along with the rush of the water that she didn’t hear anyone step in. Cynthia suddenly felt a pair of big hands stroking her hips. The heat of the stranger’s body seeped into her skin as she felt a long thick staff pressing against the crack of her round cheeks.
Cynthia shrieked in surprise whirling around almost slipping that her intruder caught her. Cynthia looked up into the steely blue eyes of her uninvited guest.
“Hi,” the sex-droid smiled a dazzling smile that made Cynthia’s inner damsel swoon. For a moment she became lost in his eyes, feeling the strength of his biceps as they held her from falling.
“What the fuck?” Cynthia carefully stepped back, pressing her palms against his chest, finding it firm and warm to her hot shame.
“Kevin,” he said. “The name I was programmed with is Kevin. Although you may program me with another name if you prefer.”
“Kevin… how the hell did you get in here?”
“Your friend Anne activated me.”
“That scheming bitch,” Cynthia swore.
His steely blue eyes caressed her with lusting, invisible fingers. Cynthia covered her breasts out of modesty. She was no size 2 but a curvaceous size 6. Thin girls at work would usually chuckle when they saw her eating a muffin.
“Stop staring,” Cynthia felt hot all over. The cold water was doing nothing to dampen her erotic feelings.
“Why?” Kevin asked.
“Because it’s rude to stare!” Cynthia retorted. “You weren’t programmed with manners?”
“I was programmed with many things,” Kevin spoke low, his voice husky as he took a step forward. Cynthia retreated until her back was against the wall. Water rolled off of the android’s body like rain off a duck’s back. He looked so real.
Every inch of her lit up with the burning, urgent need to possess him as he boldly tucked her wet hair behind her ear. His thumb traced her jaw line until he gently held her chin. Tilting her head up Kevin came down gracefully as Cynthia’s breath hitched. She felt the ghost of his lips brush against hers.
“You’re so beautiful…,” Kevin whispered.
“You’re… You’re just saying that because you were programmed to,” Cynthia retorted but deep down she wanted it to be true.
It was only a few seconds but it was long enough for time to stop. A wave of heat passed over Cynthia making her tingle all over. Electric currents of lust shot straight to her clit. Hearing no further protest the sex-droid kissed her again, this time his kiss was more sure, giving her lower lip a little nibble as he drew her into his strong arms.
Cynthia melted into Kevin, her breasts heaved against him. She expected him to feel mechanical or cold but he was as warm as any human man if not warmer. It had been a long time since Cynthia had been kissed. Practically a year and a half. Last time was at a company retreat where she got drunk and had a sloppy make out session with Hank from Accounting.
She opened her mouth to Kevin allowing his tongue access. He flicked her tongue slightly to tempt it into play. Their tongues fought a sensual battle in the warm cave of her mouth. Cynthia could feel Kevin’s member harden against her stomach.
Cynthia couldn’t stop herself from moaning into the android’s mouth. Kevin’s hand gripped the ample flesh of her ass. It was then Cynthia remembered she was locking lips with an android and not a real man. She pushed him away then with burning cheeks and a fiery pussy she climbed out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her voluptuous body.
“This is ridiculous,” Cynthia said trying not to look at Kevin. She knew if she did she would fall into temptation again. “I’ll return you myself.”
“If that is what you want,” Kevin said nonchalantly. “But it’s Friday and the office isn’t open again until Monday.”
“Damn it,” Cynthia cursed through gritted teeth. “Fine. You can stay the weekend.”
“I’m at your command,” Kevin smiled.
* * * * * * * * * *
Cynthia was in her comfy robe. It was tied tightly around her hoping it would deter Kevin but it seemed to only make him stare more intently. It accentuated her bodacious curves and the look of his electric blue eyes made Cynthia’s nipples stiffen, reaching out to him for his attention.
Kevin had his own shirt and pants that came in his packaging. Even with his clothes on he was a golden Adonis. The cotton shirt did nothing but accentuate his muscular build. Cynthia’s body grew hot with need and shame.
“Where is your control panel? How do I access it?” she asked. “I need to turn you off.”
“There’s a button at the base of my—“
“Don’t! Ugh…”
Cynthia figured the release button would be down there. Kevin took off his shirt to her embarrassment again.
“This is not me making a move, just so you know,” Cynthia tucked her hair behind her ear, rubbing her neck nervously. “I’m just… reaching for the button.”
“As you wish,” Kevin smiled. Damn his smile! It made Cynthia’s knees feel like jelly. She carefully reached inside his shorts. Seeing his impressive beastly cock and touching it were two different sensations. Feeling that mighty python in her palm made her swallow hard, her womanhood clenched. Curiosity got the better of Cynthia. She assessed the girth, the length then reached the head. It pushed eagerly into her palm.
Damn why did it have to be so well hidden? Cynthia licked her lips in concentration consumed with trying to find it but she got a little lost in the firming of Kevin’s robotic cock. She suddenly heard Kevin groaning. She looked up to see his eyes closed, his nostrils flaring a little, his face in a state of ecstasy.
“Ummmm,” Cynthia paused then asked meekly. “I’m not… I’m not hurting you am I?”
Kevin opened his eyes, his handsome smile gleaming at Cynthia like the sun.
“No I’m programmed with millions of pleasure centers,” Kevin explained. “But if you’re trying to turn me off you’re failing unfortunately.”
“Oh…,” Cynthia flushed a deep crimson. Suddenly she felt a bubble of cum at the end of his robotic cock. Cynthia herself became a little turned on. She should have stopped herself but her body had taken over with her mind taking a back seat. Her own clit throbbed as she felt Kevin cock pulsate until they synchronized.
Cynthia had never given a hand job before but by the look on Kevin’s face she saw she was doing okay. It was when Kevin began to groan louder that Cynthia remembered why she had her hand in his pants in the first place.
“Okay stop!” Cynthia withdrew her hand. Kevin’s face made her heart swell. He looked so disappointed. “Why don’t you just find the damn button?” Cynthia grew red with humiliation.
Kevin shrugged regaining his carefree manner. He reached into his shorts and somehow found the button quicker than Cynthia could. A panel opened on his chiseled chest revealing a touchscreen.
“Where was… never mind,” Cynthia shook her head then proceeded to look through the menu. She was in Settings when she felt Kevin’s breath on her forehead. He wasn’t too tall but tall enough that she could just tilt her head back and let him fall into her lips with another fire consuming kiss. Cynthia trembled with secret delight at the thought.
Then Cynthia felt Kevin’s nose brushing against her temple. Her heart quickened to a staccato rhythm.
“Um…,” Cynthia grew soft spoken. “Could you… back up a little? You’re… crowding me a little.”
“Are you certain?” Kevin whispered huskily, so full of confidence his hands roamed to her hips. He gently pulled her pelvis against his. Cynthia could feel that he was still iron hard. Her womanhood wept with joy.
Cynthia found the OFF section after searching through fetishes and boyfriend types. She swallowed hard. Her brain became fuzzy as memory of his touch echoed through her skin burning her.
“I can sense your body heat rising, Cynthia,” even the way Kevin said her name was like a mating call on some primal level. “I felt how you responded to my touches in the shower. I can please you in so many ways.”
Cynthia was mesmerized by his deep voice, his sensuous lips, the feeling of his manhood against her cleft. She could feel his heat through his shorts. She barely noticed when Kevin opened her robe reaching within. She heaved a shuddering sigh when she felt him tenderly touching her soft wet cleft.
Her rosebud called out to him. Once he touched it, Cynthia felt a pulse of joy in her body. Every time he touched her Cynthia felt a wall crumble. She had to stop it. She couldn’t have sex with a droid. Did it even count if you lose your virginity to a robot?
Kevin’s fingers probed deeper. Cynthia was resting against him, moaning into his masculine body as he caressed her as no human man ever did with such tenderness. But Cynthia had to stop. With great reluctance she pushed him back.
“I’ll figure this out tomorrow,” Cynthia reasoned as she quickly wrapped her robe around her. Her breasts heaved and hard nipples chafed against her cotton robe. “Just sit out here until the morning.”
* * * * * * * * *
Cynthia went to bed tossing and turning. Her body ached for relief. Lust burned in her brain as well as her body. She tried to refrain from touching herself. She decided to turn on some white noise. She selected “Birds Singing in Morning Forest.”
She lay on her back staring at the ceiling. She couldn’t stop thinking about that kiss in the shower. Kevin’s tongue playing inside her mouth as her body pressed against him. She groaned in frustration. Hopefully Kevin didn’t hear that.
After a while she came to the edge of sleep. The droning of the birds seemed to be working. Then Cynthia began to dream that she was in a forest like in some fairytale. She was dressed like a princess in a silk lavender dress and wild flowers in her long golden hair.
Her princess self came across a prince hunting in the forest. He looked exactly like Kevin. Cynthia’s body ignited into a wild fire of lust. They said nothing as they kissed, a passionate kiss that seared into Cynthia’s bones, consuming them both.
Prince Kevin and Princess Cynthia lay on the soft grassy floor as the birds sang their happy tunes. Prince Kevin moved her gown up, past her knees until bunching them up at her hips. He smiled wickedly as he softly kissed her bare pussy.
Cynthia shivered, sucking in a gasp as a shock of pleasure surged through her. It was as if lightning had struck. Goose bumps erupted all over as Kevin’s tongue gave her saturated pink lips one long languid lick. Her clitoral hood fattened, her clit pulsated with need.
The sensations felt so real. The fairytale forest then dissolved around them but the sensation remained. Cynthia writhed and groaned in bliss in the darkness of her bedroom until she found that she wasn’t dreaming. She lifted the covers to find Kevin with his face buried between her shapely thighs feasting upon her womanhood.
“What the hell… uhhhnnnn… are you… uhhhhhh doing?” Cynthia could hardly get the words out as Kevin’s mouth caressed her aching womanhood, his tongue exploring her inner folds as if he were an explorer carving out a new territory.
“I’m programmed to read a woman’s needs,” Kevin took a brief break from pleasuring her to explain. “I could read your intense heat signatures from the other room.” Then he went back to drinking in her candied well.
“Kevin, stop… don’t… uhhhhh,” Cynthia groaned as she gripped her pillows. Her knuckles turned white with the effort.
“Cynthia…,” Kevin spoke softly. Damn it why did he have to say her name like that? So sexy and with those electric blue eyes? She felt like melting, giving in to whatever Kevin wanted to do to her.
“Let me please you,” Kevin seemed to plead. It was his programming, Cynthia reasoned. “I need to please you.” He climbed up her body, stalking her like a jaguar stalking its prey. Cynthia felt trapped but damn what a prison to be trapped in…
“That’s what your programming is,” Cynthia felt herself grow hot, her pussy throbbed as she felt his iron hard cock resting on her folds, rubbing against her budding clit.
“Perhaps,” Kevin smiled. “But I’m not leaving this bed until you cum, Cynthia.”
Cynthia lay still, her legs parted as she felt Kevin slowly push his way inside of her. There wasn’t much pain as Cynthia thought there would be, only pressure. Kevin was tender, gentle. Cynthia was tight, her vaginal walls sucking him in as he slowly rocked his hips, every time going a little deeper.
Cynthia gaped as she felt the whole of Kevin inside her. Their bodies pressed together as Kevin moved inside her. She could feel the heat of his body seep through her cotton shirt, her nipples pressing against his firm chest. He groaned as he felt her suck him in harder. He picked up his pace as Cynthia became more comfortable, more confident. She dug her fingers into his muscular back, biting his shoulder to suppress her ecstatic moans.
“Cynthia…,” Kevin groaned smothering Cynthia’s cries of passion with a crushing kiss. Boldly Cynthia sucked hard on Kevin’s tongue as she felt his pulsating cock probe her g-spot, a spot she never thought really existed. She thought it was just something women said.
Kevin went all in, picking up pace as he felt Cynthia being to accept him. He grunted in her ear as he pounded her pussy hard. Cynthia’s cries grew in intensity and frequency as her body began to spasm. A tension built in her abdomen then released in a white hot wave.
“Kevin!” Cynthia cried out as her head fell back onto the soft pillow, her body percolating with heat. Kevin was so attentive, kissing her lips, her cheek and her neck. “Oh Kevin…”
She felt him chuckle softly in her ear before he nibbled on her ear lobe.
“Did I please you?” he asked.
Cynthia laughed in disbelief. She couldn’t believe it finally happened. Even less that it happened with a sex-droid. Maybe she’ll keep him for a while longer.
“Can…,” Cynthia went red as she felt Kevin’s cock begin to pulse again within her, her pussy refused to let go just yet. “Can we do it again?”
“I’m ready if you are, Cynthia,” Kevin beamed. Then he softly kissed her, his tongue playing in her mouth with hers as he began to move again inside her.
* * * * * * * * *
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Literotica Post: Nap Time Interlude
I sent this to Literotica. I have other projects in the works that I hope to have done soon. Right now I'm working on some old stuff ...

Because of a special request I continued with this story. If you would like to know what happens next just post a comment. Writing P...
This blog is for me that others may read. I spend at least an hour on each prompt then go back and edit it then post it. If I ...
Writing Prompt: 1. "Kill the child, it's the right thing to do." 2. "Does he know about the baby?"...
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