Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Cat Scratch Fever Ch. 7
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Jadyn pressed her lips to Rafael’s. She flicked her tongue across his lips, lowered her mouth then took Rafael’s lower lip into her mouth and sucked on it, pulling a longing moan from the tiger’s sensual lips.
“Babe, you’re making it hard…,” Rafael groaned feeling his manhood pulse against his zipper.
“That was the idea,” Jadyn taunted sexily. She slipped her hand underneath the tiger’s cotton shirt, raking her fingers over Rafael’s washboard abs, smiling naughtily when she felt them flex. Pressing the soft line of her form against him Rafael wanted to rip off his clothes again and ravish Jadyn’s small yet curvaceous body again.
“I mean hard to leave,” Rafael murmured against her lips. “As much as I want to stay I have to go to work.”
“Too bad you can’t call in sick,” Jadyn pouted, her jade green eyes full of promise. Rafael threaded his fingers through her maple brown tresses, loving their silkiness. She was only wearing a thin lavender cotton robe but he could feel her soft breasts with their pearling nipples tease his chest.
“Wish I could,” Rafael pressed his lips to her forehead. Then he frowned. “But Daunte will want to check in. I’m surprised he didn’t storm up here an hour ago to make sure I haven’t marked you.”
Looking into his royal blue eyes, Jadyn could see there was some disappointment there. She didn’t understand it but before she could ask, Rafael gave her lips one last fierce kiss then said goodbye.
She stared after him as he made his way to the elevator and then give her a seductive smirk as the doors slid shut. Jadyn did wonder about Daunte. She half expected to find him waiting outside her door but even he was too proud to do that; to be like a pet house cat waiting for its mistress, scratching at her door to be let in.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
It took everything Rafael had not to turn around and go right back upstairs and mark Jadyn as his own. He wanted to provoke Daunte into a duel de sang, a fight to the death in their world. When someone’s honor or property had been defiled then two shifters would challenge then meet and duel it out.
It was an archaic practice that no one really did anymore. The last shifter to issue and die in the challenge was Salvatore Baptiste. Rafael’s family was disgraced but not just by the duel de sang but because of what Daunte’s father Raymond LaSalle did to Salvatore’s sister.
Still thoughts drifted back to last night and being wrapped up in Jadyn’s body, her soft breasts pressed against him, her hard nipples teasing across his firm chest as he plunged his fingers deep into her molten sex that tried to suck him up as deep as he could go.
Rafael took a deep breath still smelling Jadyn’s faint feminine scent; her deodorant, fresh cotton and lavender scented bath salt. His cock jerked at the memory of her lips wrapped around his thick knob, inching down slowly to engulf his iron hard length, her palms cradling his tight balls trying to coax out his cum.
The tiger licked his lips, touching his swelling crotch. Damn! The icy spikes of revenge buried in his gut began to melt in the way of passion and lust. Rafael was filled with a hunger he needed to satiate again. Right now. Maybe he will call in sick. Jacob could fill in for him for the day.
He was about to text his coworker when the doors opened and his body hair stood on end. Daunte and Holland were standing there, both glaring daggers and bodies in a stance of unflinching determination.
“Daunte,” Rafael greeted coldly. “And here I thought I wasn’t going to see you just waiting outside… Jadyn’s primed and ready for you upstairs.” He enjoyed watching Daunte bristle and hear him growl threateningly at the statement.
“Sounds more like you were hoping I would be here,” Daunte growled. Rafael could tell the jaguar was hanging by a taut thread of self control. One poke and the thread would snap and he would get his duel de sang. Yet to his disappointment Daunte remained standing where he was. Perhaps it was Holland holding the leash.
“You’re going to come with me, Rafael,” Holland finally spoke. His tone left no room for debate.
“Am I?” Rafael tilted his head to the side, his sly smile testing Daunte’s resolve.
Holland’s eyes glowed yellow. Rafael was over confident which was the flaw of many young shifters…
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Jadyn dabbed her wet hair with a towel as she made her way to answer the doorbell that wouldn’t stop its incessant ringing.
“Just a minute! God, is there a fire?” Jadyn cried out with impatience. She had just gotten out of the shower and couldn’t even stop to put on some clothes. Yet when she opened the door her breath hitched and her blood ran hot.
Daunte was leaning with both hands against the door frame like a Herculean giant ready to break the door down. Jadyn barely had time to get a word out when Daunte pounced, his lips attacking hers with possessive fervor that made Jadyn grow weak in the knees and pussy cream.
“Hey,” he gruffly breathed before once more ravishing Jadyn’s gasping mouth with his serpentine tongue, licking every inch inside the warm cavern.
Jadyn’s mind went foggy as the searing lips nipped, sucked and slid across her own. All she could do was whimper against Daunte’s conquering tongue while he dragged her to the floor, kicking the door shut behind him.
She met his sliding tongue with languid strokes, pressing her small body against his muscular figure, like pressing against a brick wall, immovable and unyielding. Jadyn wrapped her arms and legs around Daunte on instinct. The familiarity of his hard, straining muscles, the heat of his skin sliding against hers, the taste of his kiss, and the spicy masculine scent incited a primal heat in her blood making her womb clench with desire and want.
Jadyn groaned into Daunte’s ravenous mouth feeling him rock hard, hot and throbbing through his denim jeans grinding against her sex that was growing wetter and hotter with each new thrust.
The jaguar finally released her mouth to trail hot breathy kisses down her damp throat, tasting the water from the shower as well as the natural sweetness of her fair smooth skin. Jadyn dug her fingers into his marbled back, feeling them flex with his every lustful movement.
“We should greet like this all the time,” Jadyn’s voice was throaty, thick with sexual heat making Daunte’s stomach clench in sudden need.
“You shouldn’t wear clothes every time,” Daunte naughtily replied, nipping her earlobe, his voice like rough satin. He grinned feeling Jadyn tremble beneath him. Jadyn ground her hips right back against the rutting jaguar drawing a ragged moan from his hot lips.
Jadyn’s hand slipped into Daunte’s loose jeans squeezing his perfect marble ass. Damn! Jadyn could bounce a quarter off that thing! And she felt he had decided to go commando today.
“You too,” she slowly licked the throbbing tendon on his neck, giving it a light suck, plumping it to the surface as if she would bite down and drink in his essence. Daunte purred deep within his diaphragm sending his vibrations into Jadyn’s body to add to the pleasing sensations she was feeling from the friction of their grinding bodies.
Daunte raked his calloused fingers through her damp maple curls, releasing the scent of her new shampoo: sunflowers. She smelled like summer full of fireworks, blooming flowers and wild untamed nights. It made his cock throb to the point of agony.
“Bed,” Daunte bit out nuzzling into the slope of her neck and inhaling her being as Jadyn continued to undulate her curvy hips against him.
“I doubt we’ll make it,” Jadyn pushed her other hand beneath Daunte’s thin gray cotton shirt, teasingly reaching up then in slow circles taunted his nipple that grew taut under her soft fingertips.
Daunte grunted, nibbling on her collarbone, pushing her robe off her fair shoulders and caressing her damp skin. The slickness of her flesh was so erotic, reminding him of where she was the hottest and the slickest. Daunte felt he could slip into her without difficulty. Jadyn’s nipples balled into sensitive tips. She shivered when Daunte dragged the thin lavender cotton across them to reveal her body he felt he had a claim to.
The jaguar licked his lips at the sight of her coral peaks, stiff and round like tiny cherries. He lowered his mouth and heard Jadyn gasp sharply as he latched onto the tender morsel then rasped his tongue against it. He sucked and licked in a slow methodic rhythm that made Jadyn putty in his strong yet gentle hands.
Jadyn couldn’t wait any longer. She reached down and unsnapped his jeans with ease. Daunte pushed his jeans past his hips all while still sucking hard on Jadyn’s taut sensitive bud. Fisting his mammoth organ he guided it Jadyn’s slick opening then with little ceremony he pushed the bulbous head into her moist entrance.
The human waitress’s body bowed to the sudden explosion of sensation. She had orgasmed just from the feel of having Daunte’s cock pushing inside her again. Was it the hormones that still resided from the Heat that made her nerves so sensitive or was this all her and Daunte?
Daunte groaned, vibrating against her nipple, as he pushed further in with little trouble.
“You’re so hot and tight, baby,” Daunte moaned desperately. “Like a velvet fist. I might not last long.”
Jadyn whimpered, lifting her hips and wrapping her legs tighter about his thick waist to get more of Daunte in.
“Easy, baby,” Daunte whispered huskily into her ear, his breath ragged with lust. “I’ll give it all to you… uhhnnn but if you keep wiggling like that I’ll explode before I do.”
Jadyn sexily bit her lip just the way Daunte liked it. She took his face in her hands then ravished his mouth with her wicked tongue, lying still to allow Daunte to roll his hips, burying his cock another inch inside her succulent heat. She squeezed around him, loving the feeling of him stretching her walls. She hissed with the pain-pleasure of it.
Daunte’s strokes were slow, measured. As much as he was ready to cum he wanted to savor the feeling of Jadyn’s hot satin walls holding him snuggly like a glove. His body heat branded her through his clothes that felt damp with sweat. Jadyn threaded her fingers through Daunte’s thick dark locks. She had missed the feel of them too, raking through her trembling fingers.
The heat consumed her, sensation thrumming through Jadyn’s blood as her nerve endings sparked with pleasure. Her body was hyper aware of every fiber of Daunte’s clothes that scratched against her moist skin, the scorching of his bare flesh against hers. Her mouth hung open in a silent “O” with the terrible, incredible pressure building up within her. Jadyn’s body grew as taut as a bow ready to fly at the slightest tug on the string.
Daunte rotated his hips, Jadyn tightened her hold on him, her thighs squeezing around him and toes curling. Then suddenly the tension within her broke. White hot pleasure rippled through her entire body and she luxuriated on cloud nine. She felt his scalding seed pierce her womb and member swell as he trembled in her embrace.
They rode out their orgasms together, wrapped up in each other on the floor of Jadyn’s apartment. Finally Daunte turned over but he didn’t slip out. He brought Jadyn with him, settling her on top of him.
“I’m sorry,” Daunte sighed, breathless with his coming. “I didn’t use a condom.”
Jadyn slumped on top of her virile jaguar lover, laughing with breathless passion.
“I should get one of those birth control implants,” Jadyn sighed, resting her head against Daunte’s firm chest, listening to the rapid beating of his heart.
Daunte stroked her damp hair. She almost purred at the gentle touch. He was still hard and pulsating inside her when she slipped out of her robe completely. The jaguar watched her, his whiskey eyes gleaming gold, enraptured by her every enticing movement that was designed to seduce him.
“I missed you,” Daunte reached up and caressed Jadyn’s full round breasts that were heavy in his rough palms.
“It’s been a day,” Jadyn admonished with good humor then it melted into a soft moan as Daunte’s thumbs teased her sensitive nubs.
“Too long,” Daunte sat up taking a nipple into his hungry mouth and worried it with his slick yet rough tongue. Jadyn surrendered, holding him to her chest as she kissed his damp forehead.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Rafael struggled in his bounds. Holland watched him with the intensity of a watch dog. The older shifter grunted taking out two beers from the cooler. He unsnapped one bottle and offered it to Rafael who scorned it.
“I know it’s early in the day but I found that alcohol can help soothe a rough situation,” Holland shrugged sipping the beer himself. They had Rafael settled inside The Scratch in Holland’s office.
“You really think kidnapping me is going to solve your problem?” Rafael snapped.
“The problem here isn’t you, Rafe,” Holland sat back in his chair, his eyes darkening. He took another gulp of the cool beer as Rafael eyed him quizzically. “The problem is that you don’t know the truth of who you are.”
“I know who I am,” Rafael growled. “I’m a Baptiste. My family helped build Baton Rouge and what did it give in return? It flushed us out the minute we were vulnerable.”
The Baptistes did help build this city but it was through organized crime such as drugs and embezzlement. They had respect and prestige but it was bought through fear, threats, and money. No one was too sorry to see the Baptiste clan completely withdraw from the city.
“So you want to rebuild the Baptiste empire?” Holland emitted a wry smirk. “It was long gone by the time Salvatore became Alpha. Thick headed just like your old man.”
“My father was a king who was murdered by a common alley cat who spat in his face when he seduced then abandoned his little sister ruining her chances of finding a real marriage,” Rafael growled at the memory of the story he was told for years.
Then Holland grew solemn. “That’s not the whole story, Rafael. It’s time I tell you the real one.”
Rafael saw the look in the old tiger’s eyes and paused. A heaviness had settled upon the shifter’s shoulders as he told the young tiger the real story and who his father really was…
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Jadyn looked at her phone to check her messages. Daunte came up behind her and her nipples pearled at just the proximity. He wrapped his arms around her, his biceps flexing against her breasts that ached to be touched by him again.
“Again? Really?” Jadyn chuckled as Daunte nuzzled against her ear, licking the hollow behind it and sending shivers cascading up and down her spine.
“I’m still trying to make up for being a total ass to you the past few days,” Daunte nibbled on her ear making her giggle. He loved the sound of her laughter. It was a joyous bell, a stream of sunlight in a sea of grey clouds.
Jadyn turned in his embrace to look up at him with her liquid, seductive jade green eyes. She was wearing a tight white t-shirt with no bra and lavender satin panties while Daunte was wearing nothing at all. He looked so delicious Jadyn licked her lips thinking “Yum!”.
“You’re almost off the hook,” Jadyn teased, softly kissing his neck, giving it a long languid lick that made Daunte purr. Actually purr! He traced his fingertips along her spine and caressed her luscious cheeks.
“I love your ass,” Daunte purred. “I could play with it all day.”
Suddenly Jadyn’s cell phone rang. She didn’t recognize the number.
“Don’t answer it,” Daunte pressed harder against her, their thighs pressed tightly together so she could feel the hardness of his arousal rubbing against her belly. Her womb squeezed in needy response.
“Just one minute,” Jadyn nipped playfully at Daunte’s sexy lips. She answered, “Hello, this is Jadyn Sommers.”
Jadyn listened to the concerned voice that introduced himself as Rafael’s cousin, Felix. Apparently Rafael didn’t check in at work which was strange since he always called. He was wondering if he was still at Jadyn’s place.
Daunte listened with his heightened hearing. His mood darkened. Damn Felix. He should have taken care of the cousin too. Were the Baptistes slowly infecting Baton Rouge like a virus? Jadyn’s face darkened, her bright jade eyes growing stormy as she turned to Daunte.
“I’m sorry to hear he’s missing,” Jadyn glared at Daunte who stood unabashed in a bold way that still made her toes curl in lust. “I’ll let you know if I hear from him.”
Jadyn hung up the phone then crossed her arms, tapping her foot like an impatient teacher waiting to scold a troublesome child.
“Daunte…,” Jadyn growled. “What did you do?”
“There’s something you don’t know about Rafael, Jadyn,” Daunte tried to reason but her pursing lips and smoldering eyes were arousing him again. “You can’t trust him.”
“So you kidnap him then fuck me?” Jadyn cried exasperated. “Yeah that makes you more trustworthy, Daunte!” She turned from him massaging her temples to fight the headache that threatened to overtake her while her thighs rubbed together to fight the rising lust she was feeling with her anger towards him. “How do I keep forgiving you when all you do is disappoint me at every turn? Maybe I should— Daunte!”
Daunte had scooped Jadyn up into his strong embrace. He lifted her no problem, throwing her over his broad shoulder and carrying her to the bedroom. She kicked and pounded him but her struggling against his naked form only served to arouse her, even more so when Daunte slapped her ass then kissed it.
“Daunte Oliver LaSalle, you put me down NOW!”
Daunte dropped her onto her bed and when she tried to escape he was on her, pinning her to the bed with his muscular form.
“You can’t fuck your way out of this one,” Jadyn fumed. Yet Daunte crushed her lips with his own. She tried to bite at him but Daunte only growled hungrily in response and succeeded in shoving his tongue into her angry sexy mouth.
He swallowed her shrieks and threats, feeling her struggle against him only served to arouse him further. Jadyn must have realized this as she froze instantly. The musk of her arousal was a potent aphrodisiac. Daunte caressed her breasts, swollen with firm nipples erect through the thin cotton becoming tighter with his squeezing and fondling.
Jadyn’s shrieks became a frustrated groan. Yet her tongue refused to participate even though Daunte felt it tease the tip of his own tongue that took her mouth in deep strokes. His hand slipped under her shirt and felt the fading marks of his scratches. He wanted to remake them but for once the animal sat back patiently.
“Once we’re done here and too satiated to argue I’ll tell you everything,” Daunte whispered softly, his voice rough and thick with emotion. “I promise.”
Daunte angled himself so that the tip of his cock was rubbing against her erect clit. Jadyn groaned desperately, her hips betraying her by pushing back into the rutting jaguar.
“Daunte… you bastard,” Jadyn growled even as her skin flushed hot with excitement.
He stroked her cheek along the curve of her jaw line. His gaze dropped to the coral pink of her Cupid Bow lips. His cock jerked at the sight of her pink tongue darting out between them.
“Yes, Jadyn, I’m a selfish asshole when it comes to you but when I want something I do what it takes to keep it,” Daunte vowed, reaching up then with incredible strength tore open her white shirt to reveal her round white orbs with nipples already stiff.
He took one morsel into his hungry mouth and Jadyn was helpless. She could do nothing but respond to the wonderful sensation of Daunte’s rough tongue lapping at the bud, making it grow harder and fuller. Electricity arched from her nipples to her throbbing clit that was growing slippery with each rough stroke of Daunte’s rough cat tongue.
Arching against him, Jadyn pushed her supple breasts into Daunte’s handsome hard face while he continued to firmly yet gently suck and rasp at her growing nub. When Daunte released her nipple it was dark and rosy, glistening with his saliva and throbbing with desire for him to devour her nub once again.
“You’re so gorgeous when you’re angry,” Daunte crooned. His hand stroked her fluttering stomach then bypassed her elastic band to rest on her sopping smooth pussy that he could feel was swollen as well as her clit that pulsated against his palm. He grinned almost evilly showing the white of his perfect teeth.
“So creamy…,” Daunte pulled his hand back up, smiling at the desperate groan that slipped from Jadyn’s lips, then sucked on his juicy coated fingers. “Mmmmm. I love your taste, baby.”
“Go to hell,” Jadyn gasped weakly yet her thighs widened. The hormones left by The Heat were weak. Daunte shouldn’t have this strong of an affect on her. But then Daunte always made her feel weak in the knees. Before their kiss in the store room Jadyn would masturbate to the thought of Daunte close to her, kissing her, and she always gushed love juice on her fingers. Just from imagining his kiss!
Now he had his fingers back inside her damp panties, stroking her shaven slick lips then rolling over her throbbing red berry. Jadyn could only whimper and buck her hips. She fisted Daunte’s dark locks while his fingers pistoned into her wet heat and make her come.
Daunte growled at the sight of Jadyn as the lust completely took over. Her eyes shut tight, mouth gaping with breathy moans flowing from her quivering lips. When she bit her bottom lip it made Daunte’s cock throb hard. He wanted those lips wrapped around his turgid organ again. He wanted her sweet, dirty and willing again.
“I know you love my cock, baby,” Daunte almost ripped Jadyn’s now soaked panties while pulling them off her then tossing them to the floor. He settled himself between her wide stretched thighs, placing them over his broad shoulders. “But I need to have my tongue inside you first.”
Jadyn gasped sharply at the feel of Daunte’s tongue on her flowery heat. Her body spasmed with the first rush of pleasure as his wicked tongue slowly explored her pussy lips. He French Kissed her molten core yet avoided her pulsating clit, sometimes nuzzling it with his nose but no more than that.
Jadyn’s body was a live wire of electric sensation. Her fingers gripped tightly in his dark hair while Daunte’s tongue pushed into her heat with a hungry groan. He felt her walls clamp around the invading organ and his belly clenched and cock throbbed with memory of those same muscles holding him tightly until he was milked of all his seed.
“I’m going to make you come all day, Jadyn,” Daunte swore. He gave Jadyn’s clit a swirl of his tongue then a gentle suck and felt it grow in his mouth. “First with my tongue.” He kissed her red berry. “Then with my fingers.” He nibbled on the throbbing bundle of nerves. “Then with my fat cock.” He followed that last statement with gentle suction, hearing Jadyn mewl and moan desperately, feeling her vibrate with the sensations he was inciting within her.
Jadyn practically melted from the passion burning behind every word Daunte muttered.
“I may never walk right again,” Jadyn murmured.
Daunte grinned rakishly. “Good. I’ll make sure you never leave this bed again.”
He gave her one last deep lick then his with his two fingers stroked along the sopping slit. “God, Jadyn baby, you’re melting…”
Daunte’s strong calloused fingers pushed inside. Jadyn tightly shut her eyes as another wave of pleasure crashed over her. She loved the feeling of Daunte’s fingers filling her up. Memories of Rafael became a faded echo in the heat of the present. Was the jaguar also a warlock that he could cloud her reason so easily with the simple touch of his fingers?
Jadyn’s skin was so acutely sensitive that the slightest brushing caress of his skin, the silkiness of his hair was enough to set her off into a mini orgasm. Daunte taunted and enticed the waitress’s senses while stoking the fire within her core. A hot tension coiled within her, once more she was as taut as a bow ready to snap.
She was lost in the moment, the hot lust burning through her blood, replacing a reasonable, rational young woman with an animal enslaved to her passions. An animal that purred at Daunte’s simple strokes against her skin and melted when his lips touched hers.
Daunte felt Jadyn’s slick heat clamp around his fingers that continued to piston into the womanly heart of her. Her whole body jerked, tensing and bowing, her thighs squeezing his head between their softness, and her fingers almost tearing his hair out. The jaguar only growled in satisfaction, his erection throbbing into the mattress, aching to plunge deep inside her feminine softness to the hilt and make her come again.
Daunte remained between her soft thighs that went slack with the rest of her small curvaceous body. Jadyn lay panting in a sheen of sweat, the waves of pleasure receding slowly, her head in a fog. The jaguar slowly crawled upward and without a word, Jadyn took his wet fingers into her mouth and sucked greedily at her own cum that thickly coated Daunte’s calloused fingers.
Daunte groaned at the feeling of her tongue swirling about his digits, the tight suction she applied to get every lost drop. He lay on his side, wrapping his arm around her to pull her close and press her against him.
“Such a dirty girl,” Daunte whispered huskily. “Ah!”
Jadyn had bitten midway down his fingers, hard enough to almost break the skin. She glared up at him yet Daunte wasn’t deterred. The Heat was weaker. She would have been pliant and purring in his arms for the next half hour. But now the haze of lust was thinning.
“I’m going to have to punish you for that, kitten,” Daunte growled with a predatory grin.
“I told you,” Jadyn swore even as she wrapped her leg around his hip to get him to roll on top of her and settle between her quivering sticky thighs. “You can’t fuck you’re way out of this one… After this we are DEFINITELY talking.” She boldly fisted his hard throbbing stalk then guided it towards her swollen pussy lips. She was so wet there was little to no resistance when the bulbous knob parted her folds. “No more distractions. Deal?”
Daunte grinned then surged deep into Jadyn, to the hilt. The waitress dug her nails into the purring jaguar’s shoulders.
“Deal, kitten,” Daunte silenced her with another rough tongue probing kiss that made them both groan with need.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
To Be Continued In Part 8…
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Literotica Post: Nap Time Interlude
I sent this to Literotica. I have other projects in the works that I hope to have done soon. Right now I'm working on some old stuff ...

Because of a special request I continued with this story. If you would like to know what happens next just post a comment. Writing P...
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