I finished this a while back and forgot to post it. So sorry for those reading it!
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* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Cash stepped out of the shower, a humid fog filling the bathroom. He tied a dark towel around his waist then wiped the fog from the mirror. He sensed her before he saw her. Something in his blood quickened with the scent of her, that fair aura of sensuality that always surrounded her was like a harsh summer sun.
Desire raced through Cash’s veins at the sight of her in his mirror. Serafina was wearing a flimsy camisole that barely covered the curve of her hips. Her black hair cascaded down her shoulder, her pillow soft lips slightly curved in a knowing smile. Cash wiped away the water dripping from his hair as she prowled towards him. The sway of her hips was hypnotic and he pulsed with anticipation.
Serafina traced her fingers down her pet’s spine. With her single touch she set fire to him, arousing every sense, every dangerous thought. Cash felt the crush of her breasts against his hard muscular body. She entrapped him in her embrace, her body molding against his, raking her nails across his wet skin as she highlighted every muscle she adored.
He felt the ghost of her lips on his shoulder as her hands traversed over the mountain range of his abdomen. By some madness he stopped her from reaching her destination.
“It’s dangerous to tempt me so close to the full moon,” Cash warned with a growl deep within his chest.
“We go through this every time,” Serafina sighed. “Besides it’s only half full.”
He could hear the sensuous passion in her voice. Her hair and skin dampened in the steam giving her an unearthly glow. Her dark eyes were aflame with her wanton lust as he faced her looking into his steely blue eyes that began to cloud into a sexual haze as they beheld her. He saw her nipples puckering through the silk camisole, her round breasts heaving as she licked her lips.
Serafina bypassed the towel to find his manhood already coursing with blood. Cash’s eyes clamped shut, his mouth open as a tiny sigh was released. He grew even harder in her hand, their mouths tantalizingly close. Serafina’s pink tongue darted out between her soft lips, licking her palm and fingers to help with lubrication.
She made a fist around his shaft and began to move it back and forth. Their foreheads pressed against each other as with each stroke Serafina awakened the sleeping beast within her werewolf pet.
Cash made hungry sounds in the back of his throat. He didn’t make to touch her still fighting the temptation, white knuckling it until the heat uncurled in his abdomen. His thighs tightened at the softness of his mistress’s hands. The scent of her was intoxicating, clouding his senses until the beast finally took over.
His hands traced the contours of her body then crushed her against him, the heat of his palms branding her olive skin, demanding more from her. Their lips met in a searing, all-possessive kiss, biting and sucking as Cash’s hands explored her body in a hungry hello. Serafina still held a firm grip on Cash’s maleness, she felt it throb like a pulse as she pumped her hand faster.
Cash’s tongue invaded her mouth, wrestling with hers as Serafina moaned blissfully into his mouth. He felt her nipples ball against his chest like hardened pebbles. With a voracious growl Cash pulled down the front of her camisole to reveal her sweet round mounds. He nuzzled her golden peaks, savagely licking and sucking at the brown tips.
The flame of desire kindled between Serafina’s thighs as her womb tightened with need. A powerful force passed between them, a wild, sexual heat that blotted out all reason. The towel dropped to the floor as Cash practically tore off Serafina’s camisole. They entwined their naked bodies in wild lust, because theirs was a savage lust, an animal mingling.
Serafina let go of Cash’s manhood only to feel it pressing against her trembling belly. Serafina climbed her Herculean wolf then descended onto his throbbing turgid staff. She was wet and ready, begging for it. Cash groaned as he slid easily into Serafina, becoming wrapped in her velvet heat, trapped with no desire for escape.
Their mouths mated, teeth and tongues savage with desire. The heat of their bodies branded each other. Cash pressed Serafina against the wall, thrusting hard and fast overcome with urgent need. Serafina’s breathing labored. Cash breathed heavily into her ear whispering, “Mine. Mine. Mine!”
Her entire body vibrated in response. A violent wave of white heat crashed over her as she felt Cash’s pulsating cock gush deep within her. Their bodies tensed then spasmed with the hot sensation of their shared release.
“Fuck…,” Serafina gasped, digging her nails into Cash’s hard wet flesh as the sensations lingered then ebbed away. “I needed that.”
“Show tonight?” Cash asked as he gently let Serafina down. He kept his hands on her hips as he felt her waver, her knees felt like water.
“Talk show today,” Serafina raked her fingers through her hair, feeling it damp with steam and her own perspiration. “My producer gets stressed then I get annoyed… then stressed.”
Serafina traced a finger down Cash’s chiseled chest, seeing his cock still erect and reaching towards her. He seemed to tower over her and she felt small all of a sudden. The feeling unsettled her. Regaining control she straightened herself then walked out brazenly naked.
“I’ll be back later for another stress reliever,” Serafina called over her shoulder.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Cash punched a sand bag with such force an indentation was beginning to form that threatened to become a hole. Images of Serafina in her tight yoga pants were making him stiff with arousal. He punched the bag so hard it swung back far.
He forgot he left his TV on when he suddenly heard Serafina’s smoky yet musical voice. She was sitting across the TV host, Valentine, smiling in her professional way. It wasn’t as authentic to Cash as her other smiles. But no one else seemed to notice. Serafina’s beauty and attractiveness caught people off guard until they heard her speak then they were truly lost.
“What do you say about the rumors?” Valentine casually leaned in as if they were old girlfriends.
“Which ones, Val?” Serafina responded with the same professional sincerity. But behind Valentine’s cheery, sunny manner was an ambitious shark of a reporter. Had she been less attractive she could have been a serious journalist.
“The ones about you having an affair with your werewolf pet,” Valentine hit the mark, her sweet smile made Serafina want to rip it off her face. “Calvin was it?”
“Cash. And no,” Serafina’s body tensed but she retained her elegant composure. “People like to gossip no matter who its about.”
“Don’t I know it,” Valentine chuckled. “But you dismissed one of your back up dancers rather abruptly this previous summer.”
“Is that so unheard of?”
“She was with you for 3 years then all of sudden without any warning or explanation she was let go.”
“Andrea quit there’s a difference. She decided it was time for a change.”
Valentine’s smile stretched a little as she surveyed her guest. Serafina didn’t flinch. Cash was impressed with Serafina’s reserve yet he bristled with worry. Someone was on the trail and this would surely lead towards disaster.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Serafina spent the rest of the day talking to her producer, her agent, and her PR rep.
“I told you,” Alexis shook her head then swallowed some aspirin for the aching headache that throbbed in her temple all day as she was on the phone with every one of her people. No matter how much Serafina denied the rumors once the public got a bone they wouldn’t bury it until they gnawed it raw.
Serafina relaxed on her white lawn chair next to her pool, basking in the California sun. Her thighs tightened as she thought about how Cash would devour her if he saw her like this? Her womb squeezed with desire.
“Relax, they don’t have proof.”
“Yet,” Alexis snapped. “But give a sleazy paparazzi guy some time and he’ll soon get all the proof he needs.”
Serafina heaved a heavy sigh. “So what do you suggest I do?”
“I’ll talk to Clayton,” Alexis massaged her throbbing temples. “He always has plans for stuff like this. In the mean time you lie low and focus on your new album.”
Serafina groaned. She hated being cooped up like some caged bird. At least it wouldn’t be an entire waste. She had Cash to keep her occupied. She took a long languid sip of her vodka cranberry with lime letting the liquid cool her throat and the alcohol give her a small buzz.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
The moon was a quarter full. Cash’s body bristled and throbbed for Serafina for a release. He could feel her walking through the house. Their bond grew stronger with the coming full moon. He closed his eyes imagining the hypnotic sway of her hips, the sinful curve of her pillowy lips, planting kisses on her swan-like neck then on her satin swell of her bosom. The thought made him grow hard.
Then Cash’s nostrils filled with her feminine scent. He opened his eyes to see her leaning against the door frame of his den, her silk robe hanging off her shoulder. Her obsidian eyes glazed over with lust. She swayed slightly as she walked towards him. Cash could smell the alcohol coming off her in waves.
“Serafina, you’re drunk,” Cash sighed.
“So?” Serafina slipped off her robe, letting it fall gracefully to reveal her full breasts crowned with her dark pearl nipples that were reaching out to him. Her obsidian eyes held danger and pleasure as she slowly pounced, pushing her werewolf back onto the bed.
The mattress creaked with their collective weight as Serafina settled her fiery furnace onto Cash’s male sex. She smiled wickedly. “I can see you’ve been anticipating my arrival.”
Serafina began kissing his chest then his neck sending signals to his crotch. Her hips moved erotically slow, grinding into him, daring him to stop her. She started nibbling his earlobe when Cash’s nose was assaulted with her natural perfume of a woman. His cock painfully hard, pushing against his zipper to reach out for Serafina’s pussy.
Her naked body, soft and willing pressed against his hard and eager body was enough to make Cash cum. Her diamond hard nipples tickled his chest as she moved. She flipped her midnight black hair then began teasing it across his chest, his stomach as Serafina trailed her lips and tongue down to where he ached most for her.
Cash reined in on the beast inside as he allowed Serafina to tease him. She kissed his iron hard maleness through his jeans. It pulsed with need. Serafina watched him as she undid his pants and set free his throbbing cock. She gasped in delight at it’s length and thickness. She gave the purple head a light kiss and suck. Bubbles of his seed were already coming forth like a spring. She used that as lubricant, stroking him until she had him growling with lust.
Cash felt waves of sensations pulse through his being. The heat of her mouth and the wet feel of her tongue sent a jolt to his senses. He jerked with every flick of Serafina’s tongue. But Cash couldn’t hold out anymore. He balled a fist in her hair then jerked her up, shoving his tongue into her laughing mouth.
He tasted her sweetness, his musk and the vodka cranberry and lime. He tasted every bit of her mouth as he rolled over on top of her. They made rough love for hours. Even after an exhausting amount of shattering orgasms, Cash was still hard. Serafina lay there next to him, her hand on his cock, stroking it to keep him calm. His body still vibrated. Serafina’s body thrummed with satisfaction.
“What about the rumors about us?” Cash wondered aloud.
“Oh God not you too,” Serafina groaned, rolling on her side and draping her leg over his thigh possessively as her thumb rubbed the head of his member. Cash’s steely blue eyes flashed amber.
“You can’t keep fucking your way out of everything,” Cash grumbled as his nostrils flared with the scent of her hair. Serafina kissed his firm peck then took his now hard nipple into her mouth. She gave it a little nibble feeling her pet vibrate with lust.
“You’d be surprised,” Serafina chuckled, her voice throaty and seductive.
“They might just take me away or have you committed,” Cash warned.
Serafina paused. Then she continued to stroke her werewolf’s hard cock. “I dare them to try.”
* * * * * * * * * * * *
“Day of the Night of the Full Moon”
Serafina wore a red and white toga that revealed the peaks of her round bosom for her new album cover photo shoot. She was going for a Mount Olympus, powerful goddess picture. She wore golden laurel leaves like the princess she perceived herself to be and was holding a sword while sitting on an ornate golden throne.
The photographer was late. As Serafina was getting some touching up, Cash sat in the corner brooding with a possessive look following her around. He chafed at his silver studded collar that Serafina made him wear in front of people. Finally the photographer showed up and Serafina’s jaw dropped when she recognized him.
“Hello, Seraf,” Mikhail grinned, his green brown eyes glittering with mischief. With her fashion designer ex was smirking at her a rage boiled within the pop star. Serafina could feel a vein in her temple throb as her eyes grew hot with hate. “You look gorgeous. Then again you never needed to try hard at that.”
Cash stood up, using every amount of his control not to pounce on Mikhail and rip him apart.
“What the fuck are you doing here, Mikhail?” Serafina snapped.
“Same old Seraf,” Mikhail caressed her nickname that made her skin crawl. “You look like a lady but you sure don’t talk like one.”
Serafina pulled aside her agent, Alexis, her voice trembling with rage, “What the fuck?”
“I swear I didn’t know,” Alexis promised yet under Serafina’s dagger glare she faltered. “Clayton mentioned getting someone to dispel the rumors about you screwing your werewolf pet.”
“Having an affair with your ex is more salvageable than committing bestiality!” Alexis whispered harshly.
“Ah-hem,” Mikhail cleared his throat in that pretentious way Serafina hated. “Shall we get started?”
Cash watched, the hair on his body standing on end, his steel blue eyes turning to a burning hot amber threatening to set Mikhail on fire. Mikhail felt the werewolf’s glaring eyes and his soul shivered with the intensity.
* * * * * * * * *
Serafina remained professional as much as she could. She wasn’t the drama queen type who carried out public displays of rage. Yet nerves fluttered her belly with every intent gaze upon her. It was worse than being on stage. She continued to smile sweet and sultry the whole while. She could feel Cash’s possessive stare threaten to burn her alive. Her body went up a few degrees and her forehead glowed with a sheen of sweat. The room seemed to tilt.
“Ok enough,” Serafina raised her hands to shield her eyes from the blinding camera flash. “I need a break or I swear I’m going to pass out.”
Without anyone’s permission Serafina got up and walked towards the snack table. She grabbed an ice cold water bottle and gulped it down. Her throat suddenly felt dry from the anger and tension. She felt Cash’s presence beside her.
“Why is he here?” Cash growled.
“Down boy,” Serafina admonished. “He’s here to help keep up my appearance as a slutty pop star.” She said it with such an acid tone that even Cash felt the sting. “A guy can sleep around with whoever or whatever he wants but since I don’t have a dick me sleeping with my werewolf pet seems lewd and unnatural.”
“Careful it’s that attitude that can cause a hashtag movement,” Mikhail intruded.
Serafina’s hatred for this man ate at her nerves raw. Her stomach tightened with disgust. Cash bristled, his steel blue eyes turning into two hot pools of lava making Mikhail jump.
“I said I needed a break,” Serafina’s tone was as cold and sharp as a scalpel.
“Why don’t you give us a moment, dog,” Mikhail sneered. Cash showed no sign of moving until Serafina touched his shoulder.
“Go sit, Cash,” Serafina gently commanded.
Cash reluctantly obeyed, growling with disdain the whole time.
“What do you want, Mikhail,” Serafina growled.
“Rumors must be true,” Mikhail leered as he popped a juicy grape into his mouth. “A werewolf’s attitude can rub off on the person they sleep with. Do you guys do it doggy style? I would assume he’s the bitch.”
“Jealousy is an ugly look on you,” Serafina jeered. “How’s your fiancé? Has she seen the asshole beneath the glamor yet?”
“Laureline is wonderful,” Mikhail ignored the venom in Serafina’s voice. His eyes wandered down to her bosom that was almost exposed.
Serafina caught his glance then sneered, “Miss them? I can’t imagine you have much to work with on that twig. She’s as pale and thin as paper and just as exciting.”
Mikhail leaned in closer, ignoring the warning in Serafina’s obsidian eyes. His hot breath made Serafina’s olive skin crawl. His fingers brushed her cheek as they tucked a dark strand of her dark curly hair behind her ear.
“Relax,” Mikhail whispered into her ear, his lips ghosting her earlobe. She went rigid as she heard the arousal in his voice. “I miss the fire in you, Seraf. It could burn down a building but maybe that’s why you can’t hold onto a man.” Mikhail pinched her ear (as he often did when they were dating) making her wince yet she held firm so it didn’t look to anyone as if he was hurting her. “Maybe if you were sweet once in a while I wouldn’t have left you.”
Serafina pulled back then without thinking slapped Mikhail across the face. The sound echoed through the room causing everyone to gasp in shock. It went quiet for a moment, the tension so thick one could cut through it with a butter knife.
Mikhail’s cheek grew red with her handprint. His shock ebbed away and was soon replaced by indignation.
“Why you bit—“
Suddenly Cash’s herculean form moved in a blur. He attacked Mikhail, eyes ablaze with fury. They were two fiery coals that could burn down a building. Serafina watched her werewolf beat the pulp out of her arrogant ex. Screams and shouts for 9-1-1 fell in the background as Serafina found herself slightly aroused by Cash’s display of animalistic brutality.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
“Next Month on the Night of the Full Moon”
The Greek island sat on the dark sea, shining silver in the full moon light. Serafina managed to get herself out of the country while things cooled down in the U.S. She had brought Cash with her. She wasn’t about to leave him behind no matter how much he complained about hating to fly. Serafina woke up from a long nap, finding it to be past 10 pm when her cell phone rang. It was Erin Noble. She had been on set filming for most of the year for a new franchise based off another obscure book series.
“Hey girl,” Erin sounded apologetic. “How have you been?”
“Singing, concerts, yoga, sex scandals,” Serafina shrugged getting water out of her fridge.
“Yeah… I heard about that incident with Mikhail,” Erin coughed then she puffed up. “If you ask me he deserved it. The way he always treated you made me want to kill him.”
“You and me both,” Serafina took a tentative sip. Ever since the incident the rumors of her sleeping with her werewolf were now added with the attack on her ex. Mikhail had been telling whoever would listen about how he was attacked for no reason and that he was suing the famous pop star and pushing for Cash to be put down.
Cash had been quiet ever since that attack. The sex put on some formality to it. Cash would take his pleasure, give Serafina her pleasure then send her on her way as if she was his personal slave. She could have sworn it was the other way around.
“What are you going to do?” Erin asked.
“I’m not letting that bastard win,” Serafina determined. “I’m sure I can fuck my way out of this one.” She laughed dryly. Erin laughed as well. She was one of Serafina’s few friends who understood her. They were two bitches of a feather.
“I heard that some purebreds were being destroyed this week,” Erin grew somber.
Serafina paused as she thought about Dyre. Her pussy clenched as a small jolt of pleasure surged to her clit. She figured that it was only a matter of time before Dyre was discovered. A real shame. Serafina turned on the TV to the news where there were reports of werewolf attacks happening in the United States.
“Serafina?” Erin sounded worried. Serafina was about to answer when she sensed someone watching her, a dark presence that made her body vibrate with fear and arousal.
“Hey, Serafina,” Dyre walked into the moonlight, his brown eyes turning liquid gold. He was still a golden god of manhood. Serafina’s breath hitched in her throat at the sight of his leering grin.
“Seraf?” Erin asked.
“I’m going to have to call you back,” Serafina didn’t wait for Erin to say goodbye or say anything. She hung up the phone then tossed it to the couch. Dyre stalked towards her with a possessive leer in his wolf eyes.
“So even on the full moon you don’t change unless you want to,” Serafina reasoned.
“I love how smart you are,” Dyre managed to close the distance between them in seconds and stood inches from Serafina who backed away until she fell back onto the couch. Dyre pinned himself on top of her, his touch caused a shudder to rake through her as her pussy wept with primal need. His lean coffee muscles gleamed in the moonlight giving him an unholy glow.
“Get out of my house,” Serafina ordered softly.
Dyre smirked, pressing his sex to her own. She involuntarily arched her back to press herself harder against him. What had come over her? Dyre growled in pleasure as he nuzzled her neck. Serafina felt her nipples pucker as the werewolf hoarsely chuckled, “I don’t believe you want me to do that. You left so abruptly last time I was depressed for the whole month. I couldn’t even enjoy hunting in the wild as Garrett often let me do.”
“How tragic,” Serafina sardonically answered. “How did you manage to get away from him?”
“Garrett was a good actor,” Dyre sobered. “He made me believe he was different but when he found out my secret he gave me up. I managed to escape before they could lock me up in some laboratory or worse put me down.”
Serafina’s eyes darted this way and that looking for a way to get free. Dyre tightened his grasp, putting his full weight on the pop star who could feel his arousal hard against her womanhood.
“What are you doing here?” she asked. Dyre had Serafina properly pinned so he let go of one of her wrists and his hand rode up her thigh to the grace of her hip.
“I was thinking of starting a revolution,” Dyre spoke simply. “A werewolf paradise right here on Santorini. I’m not the only werewolf here wanting liberation.”
“You want to make yourself king? How original,” Serafina wrapped her leg around Dyre’s hip to press her heat harder against him, an effort to distract him. Dyre trembled with the force of his arousal.
“Well,” Dyre shrugged. “Every King needs a Queen. Since your werewolf sex toy hasn’t claimed you yet I figured I would have that honor and make you mine permanently. A werewolf selects a mate by first covering her in his musk then biting her to bond them forever.”
Serafina cocked an eyebrow.
“Your wolf placed his scent on you to mark you as his territory.”
Ah, so that’s why Cash wouldn’t touch her or why Dyre was so drawn to her. Dyre sensed competition and it fed his burning lust.
“Get off me,” Serafina demanded.
“Trust me,” Dyre whispered huskily, digging his new growing claws into her tender flesh drawing blood. “You’ll love being a werewolf. You think fucking a werewolf in human form is hot just wait until we are both in animal form, it’s way more intense.”
Suddenly with lethal grace Dyre was attacked by a large hairy black shadow. Cash had broken out of his cage again but Serafina was glad he did. Dyre roared while Serafina watched in horrific fascination as the pure breed grew and changed into the hulking wolf human hybrid, lean muscles and huge haunches. He was slightly bigger than Cash.
Dyre threw Cash out the window onto the balcony. Cash landed bleeding on the marble in a pile of glass shards. Serafina ran to her safe. Every werewolf owner had one. A just in case of emergency break glass situation. She paused looking at the gun and 7 silver bullets in a line in the case. She needed to hit the heart. Hopefully she won’t miss.
Dyre was beating Cash to a pulp yet Cash was still ferocious. He bit into Dyre’s arm with his bloodied snout, snarling his hatred for his rival. Serafina loaded the gun then fired at Dyre’s shoulder. Fuck. The pure breed let out a cry of pain then turned with eyes full of rage at the woman pointing the gun. Serafina fired again only to get his other shoulder.
Dyre left Cash on the floor then stalked towards Serafina. He was weakened but towered over Serafina, grabbing her gun then crushing it within his monstrous grip. She felt the shock of the hit before feeling the back of Dyre’s clawed hand smack her across the face.
Serafina managed to roll over and face her attacker who eyed her with rage and lust. His cock stood on end with a slight curve. She was about to ravished by a beast and her belly tightened with disgust and desire. But then another claw punched through the hulking werewolf, clutching a large red and black organ and crushing it like a rotten plum.
The spark of life quickly left Dyre’s eyes as he shrunk back into his human form. Cash discarded the corpse, tossing it aside along with the crushed heart. Serafina breathed a sigh of relief realizing she had been holding her breath the whole time. Her heart raced as she climbed to her feet then braced herself against a couch.
She lay back on the cushions, her body bruised and slightly scratched, her jaw throbbing, exhausted from the adrenaline filled moment of life and death. Serafina then felt a rough tongue licking her leg, traveling up to her knee then to the bleeding scratch on her thigh. Cash’s eyes flashed a steely blue again, the human shining through the wolf.
Serafina relaxed against the couch allowing Cash to salve her wounds. His tongue was rough, hot and wet it seemed to soothe her. Then she felt the wolf’s tongue travel towards her inner thigh. She smiled, closing her eyes as Cash in his beastly formed lapped and nuzzled at her womanly folds. His cool nose rubbed against her budding clit, Serafina bit her lip as she felt tiny pulses of pleasure.
“So what are we going to do now?” Serafina wondered aloud. Answering her question she felt a slight sharp pain on her inner thigh. Cash’s teeth sunk into her tender flesh. Serafina cried out in a mix between pain and pleasure. Endorphins rushed throughout her body. Cash released her, looking up at her as she surveyed the bite he had given her. Well… that answered that question.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
One year ago the famous pop star Serafina disappeared along with her werewolf pet and a large sum of money that could sustain them for a lifetime. Werewolves were revolting all around the world.
Serafina felt the wind through her fur as she ran along the shoreline with Cash hot on her tail. The silver full moon danced on the dark sapphire waves as Cash tackled her into the sand. Without ceremony they came together. Panting, fur against fur, they mated in their lust and love. The intensity of the union made Serafina howl.
Dyre was right. Human sex with a werewolf was mind blowing but wolf sex was earth shattering. They wrapped around each other on the beach until the moon set and sun reclaimed the sky with rosy golden fingers. Cash pressed his maleness against Serafina’s tailbone. She ground her round butt into his new erection as he squeezed her breasts and nibbled on her shoulder.
“Harder,” Serafina whispered breathily. Cash obliged, sinking his teeth into her olive shoulder, drawing blood. Serafina made a soft hiss of pleasure-pain. He held nothing back now. While the world raged outside Serafina lay in shameless abandon in her lover’s embrace.
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Literotica Post: Nap Time Interlude
I sent this to Literotica. I have other projects in the works that I hope to have done soon. Right now I'm working on some old stuff ...

Because of a special request I continued with this story. If you would like to know what happens next just post a comment. Writing P...
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