**Author’s Note: This was supposed to be a short erotica but it became longer and I wanted to post something and my friends convinced me to make it a series if not a small one. Part 2 is close behind.
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The cat shifters were the horniest shifters of the animal shifter species. The jaguars even more so. A shifter would mark his intended with a bite or a scratch injecting hormones into their system. Then the intended would think of only one thing: mating. They called it The Heat.
Daunte was of the jaguar breed. He was the bartender at the best bar in Baton Rouge: The Scratch. Canine and Feline shifters didn’t normally mix but The Scratch was neutral territory. Humans rarely stepped foot inside. Even the ones who didn’t know about Baton Rouge’s secret felt the bar gave off a certain vibe that repelled them.
Jadyn wasn’t most humans. She had a daring that Daunte couldn’t help but find attractive. She was the only human waitress in the place. With long brown hair and eyes the color of jade like her name she was a piece of meat hanging in an animal cage. Daunte would be mesmerized by her pillowy lips that turned red whenever she bit them. She usually bit her lower lip when she was deep in thought or even apprehensive.
One night, Daunte caught a wolf shifter fondling her ass when she brought him a beer and the jealous snake of envy hissed in his heart. He grabbed the wolf by the collar, their eyes glowing, the both of them snarling and ready to tear each other to pieces. Daunte almost started a riot. Jadyn watched in horror but in small arousal at the sight of Daunte’s fury. His bronzed muscles flexed, his jaw clenched and eyes flaring answered to something primal within her.
Eventually Holland, the owner and tiger shifter, intervened and broke up the fight. Holland dragged Daunte still growling into the store room and threw him against the wall making the bottles on the shelf rattle.
“You need to cool it, Daunte!” Holland reprimanded his friend. Holland’s eyes flashed amber yellow, his inner beast itching to come out.
“The mutt needs to keep his paws to himself!” Daunte raged.
Holland sighed, shaking his head. “I knew hiring that girl was going to be trouble.”
“Why did you hire a human to work here then?” Daunte took the rag that he always kept on his broad shoulder to clean the drinking glasses and wiped the sweat from his brow then threw the rag roughly to the floor.
“I owe her father a debt,” Holland shrugged, leaning against the shelf full of whiskey. “He saved my life and it’s the least I could do for him.”
Daunte snorted. Just then Jadyn walked in, tucking her long brown hair behind her ear, jade eyes wary.
“Everything ok in here?” she asked.
“I’ll tell Moira to give that wolf some free drinks,” Holland reasoned walking past her. “Top shelf.”
Holland left the two of them alone. They stood on opposite sides of the room, the tension was electric. Jadyn’s pussy clenched whenever Daunte looked at her with those whiskey gold eyes.
“You keep this up and you’ll drive The Scratch out of business with all the free drinks Holland will have to give out to appease the customers you beat up,” Jadyn went to the bourbon shelf taking a few bottles down and placing them in her bin.
“Wolves are too sensitive,” Daunte chuckled dryly and went to stand beside her. “I barely bruised the guy.”
Jadyn smiled shyly trying to reach on her tip toes to get another brand of bourbon. Daunte watched her tight shirt ride up to reveal her flat belly and cute belly button. He could see the outline of her bra as the cotton strained against her body. He wanted the shirt to ride all the way up and reveal the swell of her breasts that weren’t too big but perky enough. His cock twitched at the sight of a floral tattoo peeking out from the top of her shorts on the curve of her hip.
“I was thinking of taking my break after this,” Jadyn mentioned. She could feel the intensity of Daunte’s gaze making her feel warm. “BLT. Your favorite.”
Jadyn would often share her lunch with Daunte because he lived on mostly whiskey and bar nuts. It was their thing. Daunte would cut the sandwich in half but give Jadyn the bigger piece. Then they would share a beer. Both would taste the other’s saliva on the bottle and felt a longing to taste the other’s lips.
Jadyn’s fingers brushed the bottle. She jumped a little when Daunte grabbed the bottle with ease. He smiled wolfishly at her, his whiskey eyes raking over her body with liberty. The human waitress flushed, a flush the spread all over her fair skin giving it a rosy hue. Daunte licked his lips, watching Jadyn bite her bottom lip.
“I hate when you do that,” Daunte growled.
“Do what?” Jadyn raised her lovely green eyes to him. She was disturbed by the raw power of her attraction to him. He was nothing but a brute who was extremely jealous. And yet there were many times when he showed her tenderness and she would melt at the nearness of him.
“Biting your lip,” Daunte’s nostrils flared as blood rushed to his loins. “It drives me crazy. Do you know how sexy that is?”
Daunte stepped closer forcing Jadyn to take a step back. His smell intoxicated her, the smell of fine whiskey and motor oil mixed with after shave. Jadyn would see him ride his motorcycle to work and watched as the girls would lay across the metal beast to get his attention. A worm of jealousy would gnaw at her spine whenever he smiled back at them.
Jadyn dropped the bin she was holding when her back pressed against the wall. The bottles shattered spilling their golden nectar creating a pungent smell that made her head spin. Daunte had Jadyn’s scent in his nostrils as well as the shattered alcohol bottles. He inhaled her flowery perfume and clean cotton detergent from her clothes but the most inviting smell of all was her arousal. He inhaled her musk as if it were the only air that could sustain him.
“Daunte… what are you doing?” Jadyn tensed when Daunte, tall and muscular pressed against her. She could feel the bulge in his denim jeans throbbing against her belly making her pussy pulsate with expectation.
“Something I should have done a while ago,” Daunte whispered huskily. He raked his calloused fingers through Jadyn’s maple tresses feeling the satin strands then cradling her head. He tilted her head up then his mouth came crashing down upon hers in a possessive bone-tingling kiss that made her knees feel like jello. She tasted the subtle note of cloves that intensified as the kiss deepened.
He felt firm, like a stone wall, unyielding. Jadyn could only press against him, wrapping her arms around the immovable object. A growl of pleasure rumbled deep within Daunte’s diaphragm that made Jadyn vibrate with anticipation. She opened her mouth to him, allowing Daunte’s tongue to slither inside and rub against her own in an erotic dance.
Daunte’s large hands traveled down, exploring her curves. His hands smoothed over Jadyn’s generous backside then with ease Daunte lifted Jadyn into his arms. Her legs wrapped around his waist allowing his hardening heat press against her mons. She rubbed herself against Daunte’s turgid bulge swallowing his hungry groans.
“Jesus, Jadyn…,” Daunte groaned breathlessly. He buried his face in her perky bosom feeling her rake her fingers through his scalp. He nuzzled into her neck while his hands went underneath her cotton shirt, her skin was so soft and warm. The animal within him couldn’t be contained any longer. He had to claim her.
His claws came forth then dug into Jadyn’s fair flesh. She cried out trying to push Daunte away. When he saw how much he was hurting her he released her. Jadyn landed on her feet then her jade eyes widened in horror at the small yet distinct crimson streaks across her side.
“What have you done?” she cried. She knew what a scratch from a shifter meant. A whirlpool of emotions swirled within her. Jadyn glared at Daunte who’s face went from stricken to unreadable.
“I’m sorry, Jadyn,” Daunte said. “But better me than some stranger right?”
“Is that your defense?” Jadyn snapped. “You just infected me and now I’ll be horny for anything that moves!”
“Not anything that moves,” Daunte smirked. “Just me.”
“Fuck you!” Jadyn stormed out leaving Daunte alone with the broken bourbon bottles and a throbbing erection.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Jadyn slammed the door to her apartment causing a tiny quake. She leaned against the doorway, her head swimming. Daunte was a son of a bitch! He basically took her choice away. She wanted to have sex with him but now she had little choice but to do so. She heard that the hormones injected through a bite or a scratch would eventually leave her system. All she had to do was wait…
Jadyn tore off her clothes then ran a bath. She poured in lavender scented bubble bath into the steaming water. She placed some aloe vera on the wounds to ease the burn that began to spread through her limbs like an infection. She could still feel the imprint of Daunte’s hands on her skin. Her pussy could still feel the press of his maleness between her thighs.
As she stepped into the bath tub full of soapy lavender scented water, Jadyn’s skin prickled. Her pussy was on fire. It was an itch she needed to scratch. She was suddenly reminded of the scratch on her side. Daunte. The thought of him filled Jadyn with rage as well as uncontrollable lust. She thought of all the things she would do to punish him for infecting her with the Heat.
She would tie him down. Give him a few scratches maybe. Tease him with her body until she had him crying for release. Jadyn sunk deeper into the hot bubble bath, the hot water easing the ache she felt while her hands smoothed over her breasts, pinching her nipples into hardened points then traveling downward over her flat tummy, over her hips where she had gotten her rose and heart tattoo, then her creamy smooth thighs.
Lust burned in her brain like a fever. Jadyn teased herself, running her hands up and down her inner thighs thinking about Daunte’s kiss, his hard muscular body pressed against her. She felt his manhood hard and throbbing through his denim and shivered with thoughts of it being inside of her.
That bastard! Jadyn brushed her fingers along her cleft, raking her fingers through her downy brown curls. Her pussy lips began to saturate, her clit began to engorge as tiny waves of electricity surged through Jadyn’s body. She squeezed her clit between her two fingers feeling the bundle of nerves pulsate. Suddenly she could taste a subtle note of cloves on her tongue that increased as she pleasured herself.
The soapy water made her skin feel slick and velvety smooth adding to her arousal. Jadyn groaned and began to fondle her breast, taking the hardened nipple between her two fingers and began playing with it as she taunted her folds. Jadyn bit her lip remembering how it drove Daunte crazy. She would torture him by biting her lip then when he went to touch her she would slap him hard in his handsome face.
Jadyn dipped a finger inside of herself. Then another, stretching her canal and scratching the inside as she pulled out. She finger fucked herself, her palm rubbing against her red berry creating pleasurable sensations to lick at her core. Tendrils of heat traveled up and down her spine as she climbed closer to her climax.
Her body spasmed. A flash of white heat pulsed through Jadyn as she cried out in passion, squeezing her breast and taut nipple. She kept her fingers inside of her feeling her inner walls spasm and her clit throb until the pleasure ebbed. She stared up at the ceiling still horny. It was a thrum in her ear like an incessant fly buzzing about her head.
“Damn that fucking bastard!” Jadyn cursed.
She couldn’t sleep at all that night. Her head was too full of memories of Daunte. And when Jadyn did manage to fall asleep her dreams were about the jaguar shifter. She showed up for work the next day only to find that Daunte was given some time off.
“I heard what happened,” Holland ventured awkwardly. “I would understand if you would like some time off as well.”
“No,” Jadyn lifted her chin to stare at her boss stubbornly. “It was barely a scratch. I can work.”
But the hormones seemed to make her more sensitive to everyone around her. She could feel the male shifters’ lust coming off them in waves as they watched her with greedy eyes. Jadyn’s whole body was wracked with tremors as her own pussy clenched and wept.
It got to a point where she wanted to jump Holland’s bones just to relieve the ache. Instead Jadyn hastily took her break then slipped out into the alley. Her blood was pounding in her ears, electricity teased along her flesh, and her pussy tingled. She rubbed her thighs together with tendrils of heat spiraling up and down her spine.
Jadyn needed to touch herself. To touch someone.
“What a pretty sight.”
Jadyn propelled herself off the wall, more alert because of the lust coursing through her veins like molten lava. She looked to see it was Rafael, a tiger shifter like Holland.
“Hey, Jadyn,” Rafael grinned. Jadyn always found Rafael attractive and charming. He was perhaps the only shifter in the bar that didn’t hit on her or grab her ass but she could always feel his gaze upon her. He would watch her with a predatory intensity that gave Jadyn shivers but in a good way.
Rafael had a sensual mouth, a pair of lips that Jadyn wouldn’t mind having on her lips… or anywhere on her body. He had olive skin and an athletic build that was leaner than Daunte’s but no less sexy. She caught a glimpse of his stomach once when he used his shirt to wipe the sweat from his brow when he was helping Holland with fixing the ceiling of The Scratch.
He had rippling abs that Jadyn wanted to rake her fingers against. He had short cut black hair and these eyes. God his eyes weren’t like Daunte’s who’s were amber brown like a good whiskey but rich and vibrant Persian Blue. Jadyn was entranced by the color that reminded her of pictures she saw of the Greek ocean off the island of Santorini.
“Never seen you in this light, Jadyn,” Rafael smirked. He was wearing a leather jacket and a grey cotton shirt and a silver chain with a tiger claw hanging at the end. “Alleyway light doesn’t flatter anyone but you… still the prettiest waitress at the Scratch.”
“What are you doing here, you creep?” Jadyn snapped. She didn’t mean to but she was so horny she was becoming irritable.
Rafael smiled then spoke in his voice that sounded like a purr, “I noticed you weren’t feeling yourself tonight. You seem… pent up. So I wanted to see if you were ok.”
Jadyn glared at him full of suspicion. The tiger held up his hands in mock surrender, laughing, “I wasn’t stalking you I swear.”
Jadyn relaxed back against the brick wall. Rafael put his hands down and approached closer hearing no protest from the waitress. He could smell her arousal like a fine perfume all night. Closer it surrounded him like a mist of sweetness.
“You have The Heat,” Rafael stated as a fact. They stood so close he could have kissed her if he dared. Jadyn would have let him. Instead without a word Rafael wedged his thigh between her legs, pressing against her molten core. Jadyn made a small groan as Rafael lightly rubbed her terrible ache.
Waves of pleasure licked at Jadyn’s core, sending tiny waves of heat throughout her body. Rafael pressed Jadyn’s body against the brick wall whispering, “Easy… Let me help you.” He spoke to her as if he were speaking to a wild wounded animal.
“Wait…,” Jadyn placed her hand on Rafael’s thigh, digging her fingers into his muscles. Rafael tucked her brown hair behind her ear and caressed her face. He could smell the faint scent of lavender on her and it made his cock jerk.
“No kissing,” Rafael said. “No sex. But you need a release or you might pass out or worse… jump some stranger’s bones.”
“So you want to help keep me out of trouble?” Jadyn smirked. She ran her hands under his cotton shirt then up his stomach, raking her fingernails along his rippling abs that clenched at her touch. Rafael purred leaning closer, increasing pressure of his knee against her mons.
“You spend your nights serving everyone else,” Rafael’s voice was soothing and dirty like hot chocolate mixed with bourbon; sweet and sinful. “Just use me as your personal sex toy. Rub against me until you come. Trust me you’ll feel better.”
There was a loud hum in Jadyn’s ears. She bit her lower lip swallowing hard tasting that familiar hint of cloves. She wondered what Rafael’s kiss would taste like. She began to move her hips slowly grinding her wet heat against the tiger’s thigh.
Rafael’s Adam’s Apple bobbed, he closed his eyes letting a low groan escape his sensual lips. He leaned forward, his head resting against the wall while his ragged breath was in Jadyn’s ear. The feeling of Rafael’s warm breath against her heated flesh gave her goosebumps.
He could feel her thigh grazing against his swelling crotch creating hot sensations to pulse within him. Rafael felt the heat burning through his denim jeans, soaking through the fabric with the waitress’s arousal. The smell of her musk, the smell of vanilla, wafted to his nostrils filling him up, intoxicating him with her human perfume. He wondered if Jadyn tasted like vanilla too.
“That’s it…,” Rafael purred in Jadyn’s ear as she ground harder and a little faster into him. “Come on my leg. I want you to come all over my leg.” He felt her body tremble with the eroticism of the moment.
Jadyn’s clit pulsated, rubbing against Rafael’s leg. She could feel the pulse of his hardened arousal on her own thigh as she climbed higher towards perfect ecstasy. They didn’t kiss. Instead Jadyn muffled her cries of joy by biting into Rafael’s neck. He growled, the pain of Jadyn’s canines sinking into his olive skin combined with the endorphins kicking in made him throb. He felt the lapping of her soft wet tongue on his bite mark and shuddered.
Jadyn was lost in a haze of pleasure. The scent of sex, Rafael’s leather jacket and male musk mixed with night air creating a secret cloud in their own private heaven. The heat of their bodies created electricity that could have powered Baton Rouge.
She was reaching her climax. Rafael could feel the throb of Jadyn’s pussy against his thigh and sensed she was close. It felt so erotic. Their sexes pressed against each other without actually touching all while locked in a secret embrace. Jadyn dug her fingers into Rafael’s lean shoulders, sucking on the pulse in his neck as they writhed against each other, their ragged breathing echoing in the alleyway.
Jadyn’s body suddenly spasmed, waves of white heat washed over her like a soothing hot shower. They rested against each other for a moment allowing their breathing to steady and hearts to slow.
“Feel better?” Rafael whispered. He felt Jadyn’s hand smooth over his aching bulge causing him to groan. Deftly her hands undid his belt and zipper. Her fingers wrapped around the turgid, pulsating shaft. Her hand was so soft.
“You shouldn’t…,” Rafael warned looking into Jadyn’s jade eyes that were hazy with arousal. Her pink tongue darted out between her dark pink lips. Rafael wanted to suck on that tongue and taste her heat but if he did then he wouldn’t stop. To have sex with another shifter’s claimed was taboo. It’s what started wars but that made it all the more erotic.
“Just let me return the favor,” Jadyn whispered breathy, sensual in his ear. She sucked in Rafael’s lobe, nibbling on it making him shiver.
His cock was soft like velvet, hot and hard. It pulsed in her gentle practiced hand. Slowly Jadyn stroked the throbbing shaft up and down. She could feel a slimy bubble of pre-cum oozing out of the crown and used that as lubricant. His cock jerked and jumped in her hand as she moved in a steady rhythm designed to drive him wild.
Jadyn could feel he was ready for a release. She peppered Rafael’s neck with soft kisses feeling him quiver. She had him in her complete power and it felt even more arousing. She coaxed Rafael towards his climax. Once he came they relaxed into each other’s arms, the wall the only thing keeping them upright.
“Fuck, Jadyn…,” Rafael whispered in relief. He pressed his lips to Jadyn’s hot temple, tasting the salt of her sweat. He buried his nose in her maple tresses as she buried her face in his neck. She kept her hand on his shaft until he softened and slipped out of her grip.
“How do you feel now?” Rafael lifted his head, leaving the sanctuary of Jadyn’s scent with great difficulty.
“Better…,” Jadyn said still in a state of arousal. The pounding in her ears, the feeling of being underwater was quiet now. Her body still thrummed with lust but Rafael helped to make it all static. “But…”
Rafael raised an eye brow. Jadyn flushed feeling naked under his intense persian blue gaze.
“But how am I supposed to endure the next few days… or weeks for that matter?”
Rafael smiled rakishly yet his eyes were tender. He took Jadyn’s hand and lead her to his car. It was a vintage yellow mustang with a black stripe.
“Come with me,” Rafael winked.
“But my shift isn’t over,” Jadyn protested but her body was all for it. She was climbing into the car while her mind was stuck on Holland and Moira being short a waitress.
“Call them and say you went home sick,” Rafael chuckled getting into the driver’s seat. Jadyn smiled, matching Rafael’s wicked grin. She began to feel the fever of lust with another hot achey throb between her thighs again as they drove off to Rafael’s place.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Daunte rode to The Scratch on his motorcycle. He ignored the girls who attempted to flirt with him, showing off their cleavage and shapely thighs. They miffed in disappointment when he walked right past them without saying a word. He had a brown paper bag in his hand and was determined to get it to Jadyn.
It was meant to be a peace offering but a stone sunk in his stomach when he heard Jadyn went home early. Moira fixed him with a glare as she said, “She couldn’t get through her shift without getting the shakes.” Moira was a panther shifter with an attitude and never had any patience with Daunte especially when it came to her best friend Jadyn. Whoever Jadyn hated so did Moira with great passion.
Daunte endured Moira’s attitude and thought to go to Jadyn’s place hoping she would let him in. But then Moira said, “I saw Rafael leave around the same time. I heard them talking outside.”
Everything inside Daunte clenched. His whiskey gold eyes flashed amber yellow, a growl rumbling deep within him. Rafael? That shrimp? Moira watched with a satisfied grin on her face as Daunte’s jaw clenched. She watched as he went for the door.
“Don’t do anything stupid, Daunte!” Moira called after him. But everything was static in Daunte’s jealous rage. Moira took out her cellphone and texted Jadyn to be careful and that Daunte was on his way.
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Literotica Post: Nap Time Interlude
I sent this to Literotica. I have other projects in the works that I hope to have done soon. Right now I'm working on some old stuff ...

Because of a special request I continued with this story. If you would like to know what happens next just post a comment. Writing P...
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